HCM Approval Rules

Using the Manage Approval Transactions for Human Capital Management task, you can specify one or more approval rules for each task. To create more than one approval rule, you either add a rule or duplicate a selected rule and edit it as appropriate.

When you create multiple approval rules for a task, they are evaluated in the order of the rule's priorities. When the priorities are the same for different rules, they are executed in an undefined order, sequentially.

Approval rules comprise one or more IF statements and one or more THEN statements.

IF Statements (Conditions)

IF statements are tests that determine when an approval rule takes effect. For example, you could specify that an approval rule for a promotion takes effect when the worker's department is Sales or the worker's job is Area Manager.

You can specify multiple IF statements. If you join multiple statements with "AND" operators, then all statements must be true before the approval rule takes effect. If you join multiple statements with "OR" operators, then at least one of the statements must be true before the approval rule takes effect.

THEN Statements (Actions)

THEN statements specify:

  • Who the approvers are

  • What actions approvers can take

The following table summarizes the approval actions.

Approval Action


Approval required

Notifications are issued to the identified approvers and their response is required.

Automatic approval

No notifications are issued to the identified approvers. The transaction is either approved or rejected automatically, and the approvers are recorded as having approved or rejected the transaction. The value of the Set Outcome To attribute for manager hierarchies determines whether the transaction is approved or rejected.

FYI only

Notifications are issued to the identified approvers, but no response is expected.

For more information about creating approval rules, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Rules.