Manage Currency Conversion Lists

Set up a conversion rate of 1.01 to adjust the US Dollar down by 0.99 to the Canadian Dollar.

You will create a pricing rule. For details, see Pricing Rules.

This topic uses example values. You might need different values, depending on your business requirements.

Summary of the Set Up

  1. Create currency conversion list.

  2. Add conversion rate to currency conversion list.

  3. Add currency conversion list to pricing strategy.

Create Currency Conversion List

  1. Go to the Pricing Administration work area, then click Tasks > Manage Currency Conversion Lists.

  2. On the Manage Currency Conversion Lists page, in the search results, click Actions > Add Row, then enter a value.




    Currency Conversion List for Standard Desktop

    You can enter any text.

Add Conversion Rate to Currency Conversion List

  1. In the Details area, click Actions > Create.

  2. In the Create Conversion Rate dialog, set the values.



    Base Currency

    USD US Dollar.

    To Currency

    CAD Canadian Dollar.

    Conversion Type


    You can specify the source that Pricing uses for the conversion rate.

    • Fixed. Use the fixed rate that you specify. If you select Fixed, then set a rate in the Conversion Rate attribute.

    • GL Sourced. Get rates from the GL (general ledger) conversion list or the General Ledger application. GL fixes rates for a time period, such as yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly, or daily.

    Conversion Rate

    Enter 1.01.

    GL Conversion Type

    Leave it empty.

    If you set Conversion Type to GL Sourced, then you must set the GL Conversion Type. For example, select Corporate, Quarterly, Monthly, Spot, EMU Fixed, User Defined, and so on.

    This attribute doesn't affect pricing calculations or relationships. Use it to document how you're using the currency conversion list.

    Adjustment Type

    Markdown Amount

    You can specify how to make the adjustment, such as markdown or markup.

    Adjustment Amount

    Enter 0.2.

    You can specify the amount or percent to apply for the adjustment.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Scroll to the top of the page, click Access Sets, then add an access set.

  5. Click Save.

Add Currency Conversion List to Pricing Strategy

For this example, add this currency conversion list to the pricing strategy named Corporate Pricing Strategy. For details, see the Manage Pricing Strategies.

Example Conversions

Here are some examples that use a 1.01 conversion rate to convert USD to CAD.

Adjustment Type

Adjustment Amount

Adjustment Calculated on Conversion Rate

Final Conversion Rate

Markdown Amount



1.01 minus 0.2 equals 0.99

Markdown Percent


20% of 1.01 equals 0.202

1.01 minus 0.202 equals 0.808

Markup Amount



1.01 plus 0.2 equals 1.21

Markup Percent


20% of 1.01 equals 0.202

1.01 plus 0.202 equals 1.212