Processing Strategies

You must complete a series of processes before using the strategies.

Here's how you process the strategies:

  • Score collections objects by running the Collections Scoring program

  • Aggregate customer data by running the Update Collections Summary Data program

  • Run the Strategy Management concurrent program to create a strategy for each delinquent object

  • Each strategy is assigned based on the score applied to it

  • This score determines how aggressively or softly the strategy treats delinquent customers

How You Process a Strategy

Let's understand how you can process a strategy with help of an example.

Say you have created delinquencies and scored collections objects, such as 30 day and 60 day past due invoices. There are two strategies that exist with the following information:

Strategy Name



  1. Send reminder letter

  2. Make call

  3. Follow-up call

  4. Send dunning letter


  1. Send dunning letter

  2. Make call

  3. Call escalation by supervisor


The following scores result after the Strategy Management program runs:




Higher Score results in a softer strategy


Lower score results in a harder strategy


  • If the program can't find a strategy to match the exact score, it assigns a more aggressive strategy.

  • If the delinquency score returned by the scoring engine is 35, then the selection module in the program looks for strategies ranked 35, and if not found, looks for 34, then 33, until a valid score is found. Like in this example, the program assigns the Hard Strategy to the delinquent object.