How do I change user resource roles when job assignments change?

If an employee takes on a different role within the company, for example, if the employee is promoted, then you must update the resource role assigned to the employee. Changing the resource role assigned to an employee involves these steps:

  • Assigning the user a new resource role that corresponds to the new assignment, for example, Sales Manager.

  • Setting an end date for the old resource role, for example, Salesperson.

If the employee's new role also involves a change in the user's resource organization, for example, if the user is promoted to a management role from a non-management role, you must also change the user's organization membership.

You can make changes to role assignments using either the resource import management functionality or using the Sales UI. Although importing changes takes care of many tasks that you have to perform manually in the UI, if you're updating resource role information for an individual user, then using the UI can be more efficient.

These steps describe how to update role information in the UI for a user who's promoted from a sales representative role to a sales manager role.

  1. Sign in to the application as the sales administrator or as a setup user.

  2. Select Navigator > My Team > Users and Roles to open the Search Person page.

  3. Search for and select the user who's being promoted. The Edit User page for the user opens.

  4. In the Resource Information region, do the following:

    1. In the Resource Role field, add the new resource role for the user, for example, Sales Manager.

    2. In the Reporting Manager field, update the user's manager.

    3. In the Organization field, specify the user's resource organization.

      You must create a resource organization for every manager in your Sales organization. If you haven't created a resource organization for the new manager, then you can create one by clicking the Create link from the end of the Organization list. The Create Organization dialog box is displayed allowing you to enter a new organization name.

    4. To automatically provision any roles provided by the new resource role you just assigned the user, click the Autoprovision Roles button in the Resource Information section.

    5. Click Save and Close.

  5. Set an end date for the user's old resource role using these steps:

    1. Form the Navigator menu, select Directory > Resource Directory.

    2. In the Tasks area of the Resource Directory page, select View Resources.

    3. On the View Resources page, search for and select the user.

      The Resource page for the user opens.

      Note that the user is assigned the new resource organization you previously created.

    4. Click the Roles tab, and in the Roles list, select the current role assigned to the user, for example, Salesperson, and enter an end date in the To Date field.

      The value you enter is the date the user's assignment in the current role ends.

    5. Click Save and Close.

Note: When you promote a user from one management position to another, for example, from a Sales Manager role to a Sales VP role, then the resource hierarchy is maintained provided that the promoted user's resource organization doesn't change. So any users who reported to the Sales Manager continue to report to the same individual when that individual is promoted to the Sales VP role. If the promoted user's resource organization does change upon the promotion, the user's reports must be reassigned to a new manager.

For information about changing role assignments using the resource import management functionality, see the topic about importing resource data in the Understanding Import and Export Management for Sales and Fusion Service guide.