Create a Bills Receivable Remittance Receipt Method

Create bills receivable remittance receipt methods to use with bills receivable remittance batches. A bills receivable remittance batch processes all eligible bills receivable and prepares them for remittance to your bank.

These settings on the Create and Edit Receipt Class and Methods pages apply to bills receivable remittance receipt methods:

  • Creation Method field: Select Bills Receivable Remittance.

  • Remittance Method field: Select Standard for standard bills receivable and Factoring for factored bills receivable with or without recourse.

  • Debit Memos Inherit Receipt Numbers option: Enable this option if you want debit memo reversals of receipts applied to a bill receivable that are remitted with this receipt method to inherit the receipt number.

  • Receipts inherit bills receivable number option: Enable this option if you want receipts created for bills receivable remitted with this receipt method to inherit the bill numbers.

  • Remittance Bank Accounts tab: Click this tab and create a remittance bank account to use with this receipt method.

    The remittance bank contains both the bank account information to use for remittances and the accounting for remitted bills receivable and the subsequent receipt.