Generate Tax Returns Based on Tax Box Allocation Rules

To prepare tax returns that are based on the tax box allocation process, you must generate the Tax Box Return Preparation Report.

You can use the Tax Box Return Preparation Report to:

  • Compose tax declaration for periodic or annual allocations

  • Submit it to the tax authorities

The following table lists the steps required to generate tax returns based on tax box allocation rules:





Run the Tax Reporting Selection Process

Extracts the transactions from the tax repository.


Run the Tax Allocation Process

Assigns applicable tax box numbers to the extracted transactions according to the defined tax box allocation rules.


Run the Tax Allocation Exceptions Report and verify that there are no errors.

Generates the Tax Allocation Exceptions Report that lists the transactions that are not applied with tax box allocation rules during the previous step. If there are errors or incorrectly allocated tax box numbers, run the Tax Allocation Process again with the Reallocate parameter set to Yes.


Run the Tax Allocations Listing Report and verify that the tax box numbers assigned to the transactions are correct.

Generates the Tax Allocations Listing Report that lists all the transactions with the corresponding tax box numbers.


Run the Tax Final Reporting Process

Stamps the transactions as finally reported.


Run the Tax Box Return Preparation Report (Optional)

Generates the Tax Box Return Preparation Report that lists taxable and tax amounts grouped by tax declaration box numbers for periodic or annual allocations.

You can view detail, summary, or both detail and summary of tax and taxable amounts.