Collections Task

A collections task is an activity performed under a strategy. A strategy consists of sequence of grouped tasks which help you to complete a collection process. You can view all your tasks and task details in Strategy tab.


Here are few advantages of Tasks:

  • You can configure tasks that are unique to your business, group tasks into a strategy, and apply the strategy based on each customer's collection risk score.

  • You can assign the tasks directly to yourself or to others based on the group of customers delegated for collection.

  • You can configure these tasks manually or automatically.

How You Create a Task

Here's how you can create a task:

  1. Set a before or after time to start the next task.

    Lets say, you want to allow five days to a customer after sending a polite reminder and before scheduling a follow up phone call task. To create the follow up phone call task, set the task to execute as: How long will the strategy wait until it executes this task and set the wait for period as 5 days.

  2. Add wait time after the task is completed.

    Specify if the task is optional. If you don't complete the optional task, it is closed automatically at the end of the wait time. This way the strategy gets free to start the next task.

  3. If a task isn't completed on time, you can escalate it to your manager.

    Remember that you can only escalate the manual tasks.

Task Status

When you run the Strategy Management program, the status for each task gets updated. Here's what each task status means:

  • To Be Created: Task isn't created yet.

  • Open: Work in progress

  • Skip: Task was skipped

  • Time-out: The task wasn't assigned before wait time

  • In Error: Problem occurred while sending out correspondence

  • Closed: There's no need to perform this task as customer has already paid

  • Canceled: Strategy switched, there is no need to perform the task

  • Complete: Task is performed

Note: If an automatic strategy task for Dunning Letters is set and is in the Open status, it means that the Send Dunning Letters process is already scheduled. Canceling the task in progress will not stop the process of sending letters.