Transaction Details Report

Use the Transaction Details Report to review all of the information that was entered for each of your transactions. The report provides detailed information on all invoices, credit memos, debit memos, and chargebacks belonging to a business unit.

The report provides, for each transaction, complete header and line information, tax information, freight information, sales credits, revenue accounting, account sets, and transaction flexfield.

Run this report according to your customer transaction review requirements.

To run the report, you must select a business unit and range of transactions. You can also limit the report to transactions belonging to a certain transaction class.

Report Output

This table describes important row headings in the Transaction Details Report.

Row Heading


Credit Method for Rules

The method the credit memo uses to adjust the revenue accounts of an invoice that uses invoicing and revenue scheduling rules.

Credit Method for Installments

The method the credit memo uses to credit invoices with installments.

Special Instructions

Any special instructions about the transaction.


User comments about the transaction.

Transaction Flexfield

The transaction flexfield for the transaction, if applicable.

This table describes the revenue accounts column headings in the Transaction Details Report.

Revenue Accounts Column Heading


Line Number

The transaction line item number that refers to the revenue account. One transaction line item can be distributed to many revenue accounts.


The percentage of the transaction line amounts associated with this revenue account.


The amount of the line item distributed to this revenue account.

Accounting Flexfield

The revenue account for the line item distribution.


User comments about the line item distribution.

Accounting Date

The accounting period when the line item distribution will be posted to general ledger.

Posted Accounting Date

The date the line item distribution has posted to general ledger, if applicable.

Revenue Scheduling Rule

The revenue scheduling rule associated to the transaction line, if applicable.

This table describes the account sets column headings in the Transaction Details Report.

Account Sets Column Heading


Line Number

The transaction line number to which this account set is applied.

Other Line

The tax or freight line number.

Line Type

The line type: Line, Tax, Freight, or Charges.

Account Class

The account class for the accounting flexfield.


The percentage of the transaction line amounts associated with this account.

Accounting Flexfield

The accounting flexfield for the tax account.


User comments about the transaction line.

Revenue Scheduling Rule

The revenue scheduling rule associated to the transaction line, if applicable.