Manage Perspective Mappings

To use a perspective hierarchy, you create it (you use the Perspectives work area to do so), then map it to objects. Until you map a hierarchy to an object, it's not available for use with instances of that object.

To perform the perspective-to-object mappings:

  1. Open the Module Perspectives page. In the Setup and Administration work area, select the Module Perspectives tab.

  2. Click the Financial Reporting Compliance row or the Advanced Controls row. Then select Edit.

  3. In a new page for the component you selected, click Create. Or, select the row for an existing mapping and click Edit.

  4. As you create a mapping, select a perspective hierarchy in the Name field. Select the object you want to map to it in the Associated Object field.

    • If you selected the Financial Reporting Compliance row in step 2, you can map perspective hierarchies to the Process, Risk, and Control objects. If you selected the Advanced Controls row, you can map perspective hierarchies to the Model, Control, and Result (Incident) objects.

    • Once you save a mapping, the fields in which you enter your hierarchy and object selections become read-only. You can't edit these values.

    • You can't map more than 15 perspective hierarchies to each type of object.

  5. As you create or edit a mapping, specify whether a perspective is required. If so, a user can save an instance of the object only if a value for the perspective is selected.

    • Before operational data exists, you can modify the setting of the Required option as you want.

    • After operational data exists, you can change a required perspective to optional, but you can't change an optional perspective to required.

  6. As you create or edit a mapping, select a status, Active or Inactive.

    • Before you select Inactive status as you edit an active mapping, you must remove all values of the perspective hierarchy from all instances of the mapped object.

    • When you inactivate a mapping, the hierarchy is no longer presented in the Perspective list field of the Perspective Assignment panel in pages to create or edit the mapped object.

    • The perspective hierarchy with an inactive mapping doesn't count toward the 15-hierarchy limit for an object type.