How You Configure Seniority Dates

You can configure the rules for creating seniority dates using the Configure Seniority Dates task.

The seniority date rule defines the name and behavior of the seniority date. For example, you can define an enterprise seniority date at person level. When the first work relationship is created for a person, the enterprise seniority date is calculated from the start date of the work relationship.

Note: After the seniority dates are calculated for a worker using a seniority rule, you can't change the configuration of the seniority rule. However, you can disable the seniority date rule by setting the active option to No.

Configuration Options

You can use the following options in the Configure Seniority Date Rules page:

  • Active: You can enable or disable the seniority date rule using this option. If the rule is active, seniority dates are automatically generated when the employment data is changed, according to the rule definition. If the rule isn't active, seniority dates aren't generated.

    Note: You can't edit or delete a seniority date rule if the corresponding seniority date rule has been used to populate seniority dates for a person in the application. However, you can disable the seniority date rule in the Active field.
  • Seniority Rule Name: You must select from one of the predefined values, such as the bargaining unit seniority date - assignment level, enterprise seniority date - person level, and legal employer seniority date - work relationship level. These values are defined in the ORA_PER_SENIORITY_ITEMS lookup type. You can add a new value to the Seniority Rule Name list by adding the value as a lookup code to this common lookup type.

  • Attribute: You can define the seniority date configuration based on this attribute. For example, legal employer is the seniority attribute in case of a legal employer seniority date and enterprise is the seniority attribute in case of an enterprise seniority date. When the seniority attribute is created or modified, the corresponding seniority date will be populated in the application according to the rules in the setup.

  • Level: You can configure seniority dates at the person, work relationship, and assignment levels. Here's what's considered when deriving the seniority date for each level:

    • Person: All the work relationships and assignments of the person.

    • Work relationship: All the assignments in the work relationship.

    • Assignment: Only the individual assignment is considered while deriving the seniority date at the assignment level.

  • Adjustment Formula: This option is hidden out-of-the-box in the Seniority Date Rule List table. You can display this option using the View menu from the table. You can configure an adjustment formula to calculate the seniority date adjustments using the Employment Seniority Date Adjustment formula type. This formula is evaluated for all assignment records that are used in the seniority calculation. If the formula-calculated seniority date adjustment has a zero value, the adjustment formula will be ignored in the seniority date calculation. You need to configure the formula such that it calculates a non-zero value for the effective date where the adjustment needs to be updated or corrected.

  • Cumulative: Identifies the calculation logic of seniority when there is a gap in service. When you create a new seniority rule, the default value of this option is No. When this option is set to yes, the application also considers the previous seniority calculations for the calculation of seniority. For example, consider a worker who was associated with an organization from 1-Jan-2001 to 31-Dec-2009 and the Cumulative option is set to yes for both the seniority dates. The details of his association and the seniority calculation is shown in the following table.


    Start Date

    End Date

    Legal Employer

    Legal Employer Seniority

    Enterprise Seniority





    Vision US

    1 year

    1 year

    Global Transfer



    Vision CA

    1 year

    2 years

    The enterprise seniority is the sum of 1 year in the current work relationship and 1 year in the previous work relationship.






    Vision UK

    1 year

    3 years

    The enterprise seniority date is configured to be cumulative. Therefore, the enterprise seniority is the sum of 1 year in the current work relationship and 2 years in the previous work relationship.

    Global Transfer



    Vision US

    3 years

    6 years

    The legal employer seniority date is configured to be cumulative. Therefore, the seniority for the Vision US legal employer is the sum of 2 years in the current work relationship and 1 year in the previous work relationship.

    The enterprise seniority date is configured to be cumulative. Therefore, the enterprise seniority is the sum of 2 years in the current work relationship and 4 years in the previous work relationship.



  • Allow Edit: Specify whether users can override the seniority date using the Seniority Dates task. If you set the value in this field to No, you can't edit the corresponding seniority date on the Seniority Dates page.

  • Display in Guided Flows: Specify whether the seniority date can be displayed in the guided processes. If this option is set to yes for a seniority date, the seniority date is displayed in the guided processes in view-only mode.

  • Override Seniority Basis: Seniority is calculated in days or hours based on the seniority basis value in the worker's assignment. You can define an override for the seniority basis at the individual seniority rule level. For example, you can specify that a seniority rule must always be calculated in hours even though the worker's assignment basis is days.

  • Conversion of Hours: When you can't use a single set of conversion rules, you can convert hours to days using the Employment Seniority Hours to Days Conversion formula type. You can define the hours for:

    • Hours to day conversion

    • Hours to month conversion

    • Hours to year conversion

  • Seniority Filters: This option is hidden out-of-the-box in the Seniority Date Rule List table. You can display this option using the View menu from the table. This table shows you examples of how the filter conditions can be used:

    Seniority Filter


    Worker Type

    To exclude only pending workers from the seniority dates calculation, you must select all other values except the Pending Worker value. By default, the Employee value is selected which means that only employees are included in the seniority date calculation.


    To calculate the seniority rule only for workers whose legal employers are in the United States, you must select the United States value.

    Legal Employer

    To calculate the seniority rule only for workers in two specific legal employers (for example, LE1 and LE2), you must select the LE1 and LE2 values.

    Union and Collective Agreement

    To calculate the seniority rule only for workers in one specific union and collective agreement (for example, UN1 and CA1), you must select the UN1 and CA1 values in the corresponding filter. The application will apply both the filter conditions when evaluating workers for the seniority rule.

    Union Member

    To calculate the seniority rule only for union workers, you must select the Yes value.