Mass-Edit Incidents

You can modify certain settings for any number of incidents at once. These settings include status, comments, additional-information fields, perspective assignments, and worklist assignments. You can also reconfigure incident security.

Select Incidents from the Results Page

To begin, produce a complete list of pending incidents generated by an access or transaction control: Click the Results Count value in the record of that control. You can find that record either in the Results by Control Summary page of the Results work area, or in the Controls page of the Advanced Controls work area. A Results page then displays incident records.

Next, use any of the following three methods to determine which of those incidents you want to edit. Then click the Mass Edit button.

  • Accept the full list: don't filter it or select from it at all. In this case, all the incidents are considered for edit. (But see What You Can Edit, below.)

  • Filter the list to include only the incidents you want to edit, but make no selections from the filtered list. In this case, all the incidents in your filtered list are considered for edit.

  • In either a filtered or unfiltered list, select incidents. To select a continuous set of incidents, click the first one, hold down the Shift key, and click the last one. Or to select a discontinuous set, hold down the Ctrl key as you click on records. In this case, only the incidents you select are considered for edit.

Here are two additional considerations:

  • A Results page displays a maximum of 500 incidents, but its control may have generated more. The page also reports the number of incident records that match filtering criteria. (If you haven't applied filters, this is the total number of incidents the control has generated.) If that number is greater than 500, you're updating all incidents that match filtering criteria, not just the 500 on display.
  • When you work in the Results page, the Edit icon, which looks like a pencil, applies only if you've selected a single incident to be edited. The Edit icon is disabled, and you'd use the Mass Edit button, if you've selected no incidents (and so intend to edit a full or filtered list) or if you've selected two or more incidents.

Select Filtered Sets of Access Incidents

These alternatives apply only to access controls and the incidents they generate: Click the User Count value in the record of the control. You can find access-control records containing this value only in the Results by Control Summary page of the Results work area. Then, in the Results by Control and User page, click the Edit (pencil) icon in the record of the user whose incidents you want to edit.

Or, click the pending-incident path value for that user. In the Results by Control, User, and Role page, click the Edit icon in the record of a role assigned to the user, to edit the incidents involving that role.

Or, click the pending-incident path value for the role to open a Results page filtered to display the incidents that apply to the user and role you've selected. There, you can once again update the entire list, filter it to update only the records that remain, or select from a full or filtered list. In this page, you'd once again click the Edit icon if you've selected a single incident or click the Mass Update button to edit multiple incidents.

What You Can Edit

No matter how you produce a set of incidents for mass edit, you may include records for which you're an owner, editor, or viewer:

  • For records you own, all updates are accepted, including security updates.

  • For records for which you're an editor, security updates are ignored, but updates of other details are accepted.

  • For records for which you're a viewer, all updates are ignored.

Update the Incidents

Once you've selected records, a Mass Edit page opens:

  1. In a Mass Edit Selection panel, determine what you want to update: click either Mass Edit Details or Mass Edit Security.

  2. Enter update values in the fields you want to edit. These are described below.

  3. Select Submit.

As you edit details, do any of the following. Incidents retain their original values for any of these features that you leave unedited.

  • Select a status you want to assign to the selected incidents.

  • Write a comment, or attach a file or URL.

  • In the Perspective Assignment panel, select perspective values to be added to values already selected for each of the incidents you're working with. If you're updating records you've explicitly selected, you can also remove perspective values. This capability isn't available for if you're updating a full or filtered list, to safeguard against a performance issue that can be expected with large jobs.

  • In the Worklist Assignment panel, select a user, or all eligible users, to receive worklist notifications concerning the incidents.

  • If descriptive flexfield segments have been defined for the Incident Result object, these appear as fields in an Additional Information panel. Make any appropriate modifications to field values.

As you edit security configuration, you can add users; authorize users as owners, editors, or viewers; or remove users. You can also add or remove user groups. You can complete these tasks in the same way that you'd work with the Mass Edit Security Assignment tool.