Overview of Simulation Sets

Simulation sets provide a way to override key parameters coming from plan inputs. A simulation set enables you to modify item-organization attributes for testing purposes.

Use a simulation set to quickly change item-attribute values without having to recollect items. For example, you can test planning results by changing item lead times or order modifiers.

You can open a simulation set and use the Items table to modify some item attributes.

Item Type

Editable Item Attributes

Lead times

Fixed Lead Times, Postprocessing Lead Time, Preprocessing Lead Time, Processing Lead Time, Variable Lead Times

Order modifiers

Fixed Days of Supply, Fixed Lot Multiplier, Fixed Order Quantity, Maximum Order Quantity, Minimum Order Quantity

Time fences

Demand Time Fence Type, Demand Time Fence Days, Planning Time Fence Type, Planning Time Fence Days, Release Time Fence Type, Release Time Fence Days

Safety stock

Days of Cover, Safety Stock Planning Method, and several other attributes used for safety stock level calculation


Acceptable Early Days, Excess Horizon, Obsolescence Date, Planning Method, Selling Price, Standard Cost