How You Work with Quality Issues, Quality Actions, and Change Orders

Let's have a look at how quality issues, quality actions, and change orders work together.

Quality Issues and Quality Actions

You can create and relate a new quality action from a quality issue. This copies affected objects, attachments, and some attributes to the new quality action. You can quickly open a quality action and resolve the issue. Search for and add new item requests in the Draft status, to the affected objects tab of a quality issue or action. You can modify the resolution date of a quality action created from a quality issue, which has a past resolution date, after creation.

Apart from creating relationship rules from actions for related issues, you can create and relate to a quality action from the production exception type quality issue. On the quality action Relationships tab, you can define a dependency rule to close the quality issue upon closing the quality action. If the issue is of the production exception type, the 'Add Rule' button doesn't appear at all and hence you can't add a dependency rule.

Note: At all times, production exceptions are read-only in Quality Management.

Change Orders

You can define a relationship between a quality action and a quality issue, which could also be of type production exception. A seamless approach is provided for quality and research teams to work together to manage the change order and resolve the impacted quality issues. You can also create relationship rules from change orders for related quality actions.