Oracle Intelligent Advisor

Oracle Intelligent Advisor helps service agents deliver enriched, personalized, and precise customer service.

Intelligent Advisor can be connected to Fusion Sales and Fusion Service for use by agents. Intelligent Advisor interviews can be used for:

  • Service requests across a range of industries
  • Knowledge streaming by helping agents and contacts identify the most appropriate knowledge article or advice for their needs
  • Any multi-page information gathering in Oracle Visual Builder
  • Personalized self-service advice with Sales and Service

Using Intelligent Advisor within the Fusion Sales and Fusion Service interface:

  • Agents must be logged in to use Intelligent Advisor interviews
  • Specific Sales and Fusion Service objects can be created and updated

There's desktop modeling software for building interviews called Oracle Policy Modeling. The Intelligent Advisor Hub connects Policy Modeling to Fusion Sales and Fusion Service.

Intelligent Advisor flow image

The steps to integrate Fusion Sales and Fusion Service with Intelligent Advisor are:

  1. Create an Intelligent Advisor Hub.
  2. Create a Fusion Sales and Fusion Service connection in Intelligent Advisor Hub.
  3. Download and install Policy Modeling.
  4. Create a project in Policy Modeling.
  5. Connect the Policy Modeling project to Intelligent Advisor Hub.
  6. Map data to and from Fusion Sales and Fusion Service in Policy Modeling.
  7. Deploy and activate the Intelligent Advisor interview.
  8. Embed the interview in a Fusion Sales and Fusion Service agent interface.