Configure Infolet Display

Use the Home Configuration page in the Structure work area (Navigator > Configuration > Structure) to configure the display settings of infolet pages in the Analytics section of the home page.

If you're using a panel or banner layout, the home page displays the page control containing icons that you use to go to infolet pages.

Define Settings

You can rename infolet pages, change their visibility settings, and reorder them. But before you start, activate a sandbox that has the Structure tool in it.

On the Home Configuration page, you can do these tasks:

  • Click the infolet page name to rename it.

  • Click the Visible field for an infolet page to change its visibility setting. You can show or hide specific infolet pages on the home page. To do so, select any of these options:

    • Yes: The infolet page appears on the home page.

    • No: The infolet page doesn't appear on the home page.

    • EL expression: The evaluation of the EL expression decides the visibility of the infolet page on the home page for specific user roles.

  • Use the Move Up and Move Down icons to adjust the relative positions of the infolet pages on the home page.

If you're using a panel or banner layout, you can use profile options to define settings for the filmstrip, which appears between the global header and the page title:

  • To enable users to use the filmstrip, set the Springboard Strip Enabled profile option (FND_USE_FILMSTRIP) to Yes.

  • If the FND_USE_FILMSTRIP profile option is set to Yes, then you can display the filmstrip as expanded by default. To do so, set the Springboard Strip Expanded profile option (FND_EXPAND_FILMSTRIP) to Yes. A user can still collapse or expand the strip on any page, and when done, this profile option is set by default for subsequent sessions of that user.