Update More Than One Order Line

Select one or more order lines, specify attributes to update, specify values for these attributes, then update all the selected order lines.

This feature is useful when you must change more than one order line with the same attribute value. For example, use it to change the Shipping Method attribute for 50 order lines instead of updating it 50 separate times on each order line.

Assume you must update the warehouse for all order lines so they use Seattle Manufacturing.

  1. Create a sales order, then add more than one order line.

  2. On the Order Lines tab, in the column below Actions, in the header row, click the cell immediately to the left of Item.

    The Order Lines tab selects all order lines. To select individual order lines, hold down the CTRL key on your keyboard, click the cell in the column below Actions for each row you must select, then release the CTRL key.

  3. Click Update Lines.

  4. In the Select Attributes area, in the Available window, click Warehouse.

  5. Click Move Selected Items to Other List.

  6. Notice that the Selected window contains Warehouse, then click Next.

  7. In the Specify Values area, set warehouse to Seattle Manufacturing, then click Update.

  8. Click Shipment Details > Supply.

  9. On the Shipment Details tab, in the Order Line Details area, verify that the Warehouse column contains Seattle Manufacturing for all order lines.

This feature is most useful when you're revising a sales order or creating a return order. For example, if you create a new order, go to the Shipment Details tab, click Supply, then set the Warehouse to Seattle Manufacturing in the header part of the Supply area, then the order the value from the header to the Warehouse attribute in the Order Line Details area. But the sales order doesn't cascade the value when you're revising a sales order or creating a return order. So, use Update Lines instead.