Manage Errors and Conflicts in Business Rules

Manage errors and conflicts that might happen with your business rule.

Manage Errors

Each business rule validates your syntax when you save your rule. It displays errors in the error pane at the bottom of the page or dialog.

  • Click Validate to validate your rule before you save it.

  • Click the arrow on the bottom right corner of the page or dialog to examine the error.

  • Double-click an error message to open the rule that contains the error and to automatically highlight the object that the error affects.

For example:

rule that Manages Errors and Conflicts

Manage Conflicts

Each business rule provides conflict management for your decision tables.

  • The business rule displays conflicts between the If statement and the Then statement.

  • You can use the exclamation point (!) on the tool bar to toggle visibility of the conflict.

  • The business rule identifies each rule that the conflict affects, including rules that depend on a conflicted rule. For example, if rule A is conflicted, and if Rule B depends on Rule A, then Rule B also displays as conflicted.

  • An icon on the decision table toolbar identifies a missing set up in your business rule. For example, if you add bucket set elements but don't use them in your rule, then the page displays an icon.

  • The page might display the rules you must add to correct the set up. You can select a rule to add it to your set up, but you aren't required to select them. Instead, you can create a different rule to correct the set up.

    This feature is useful when you create a bucket set that includes a large number of values. Each bucket set allows you to select Otherwise when it isn't necessary to individually specify each selection.

Here's an example where a new rule is in conflict with three other rules.

new rule that's in conflict with three other rules