Advanced Controls Reports

You can run the following reports about Oracle Fusion Cloud Advanced Controls.

Result Reports

Result reports include:

Report Title


Access Point Report

Lists paths to access points involved in conflicts. Each record in the report isn't a conflict in itself, but rather one path (potentially among many) to one of the access points involved in a conflict.

Access Violations by User Report

Lists ten users with the greatest number of conflicts, the number of conflicts for each, and information about those conflicts.

Access Violations within a Single Role (Intra-Role) Report

Lists roles you can't assign individually to any user without a conflict occurring, because each role contains privileges that controls define as conflicting.

Intra-Role Violations by Control Report

Lists access controls that generate conflicts involving privileges granted within individual roles. It identifies roles that have violated each control, and it lists incidents at the Assigned, Remediate, or Accepted status.

Global Users Report

Provides information about global users: IDs, each identifying one person and correlating to any number of potentially varying IDs that person may have in business applications subject to advanced controls.

Result by Control Summary Extract Report

Lists access and transaction controls that have generated pending incidents, and provides information about each control.

Users with Access Violations by Control Report

Lists access controls that have generated incidents at the Assigned, Remediate, or Accepted status. For each control, it lists users whose work assignments have violated the control.

Business Intelligence Analyses

Apart from these reports, predefined dashboards provide analyses (displays of real-time data) that track change history, identify records that aren't accessible by any user, and identify perspective hierarchies and values that aren't assigned to any object. These dashboards are available in the Oracle Business Intelligence Catalog. (See Use Predefined Dashboards.)