Copy Setups Between Instances of Order Management

Copy your setup from one instance of Order Management into another instance during the lifecycle of your Order Management deployment. For example, migrate your setup from a test environment to a production environment.

  • Use the Manage Configuration Packages page in the Setup and Maintenance work area to export and import a configuration package.

  • Learn about the list of business rules that the copy migrates. For details, see Migrate Business Rules in Order Management.

  • Learn about the approval rules you can migrate. For details, see Migrate Approval Rules Between Instances of Order Management.

  • You can use WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) commands to move order orchestration rules. Order Management stores order orchestration rules in the Metadata Services (MDS) Repository. You can also use data collection and interface tables to import your setup and your transaction data. For details, go to Implementing Common Features for Oracle SCM, then see the chapter that describes import and export.

  • The migration adds hold codes that you set up in the source instance to hold codes that exist in the target instance. If the same hold codes exist in the source and target, then the holds in the source replace the holds in the target.

  • The migration doesn't migrate holds that apply a credit check hold or release a credit check hold.

  • The migration migrates only your set ups. It doesn't migrate transactional data, such as sales orders.

  • Don't modify the orchestration process name, task name in an orchestration process step, or the status rule set name in either environment. Modifying the name might prevent Order Management from updating references to other data in the orchestration process. For details, see:

  • If you created an order management extension, then prepare it before you migrate. For details, see Overview of Creating Order Management Extensions.

  • If you migrate from a production environment to a test environment, and if your migration includes an orchestration process that's currently in progress, then the sales order that references the process will become stuck. It isn't possible to recover the stuck order.

  • The migration migrates only your set ups. It doesn't migrate transactional data, such as sales orders.

Summary of the Steps

  1. Export your setup.

  2. Import your setup.

  3. Deploy flexfields.

Export Your Setup

Export your setup from the source instance of Order Management.

  1. Make sure the source instance and the target instance are at the same release level.

  2. Sign into the source instance of Order Management with administrative privileges.

  3. Go to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

  4. On the Setup page, click Tasks > Manage Configuration Packages.

  5. On the Manage Configuration Packages page, click Actions > Create.

  6. On the Enter Basic Information page, set the values, then click Next.




    Select the name of the implementation project that defines the source instance.


    Setup task list and setup data

  7. On the Select Objects for Export page, accept default values, then click Next.

    The Select Objects for Export page comes predefined to select the objects that the export needs to support most instances of Order Management. For details, see Copy Setups Between Instances of Order Management.

  8. On the Schedule and Notifications page, accept the default value, click Submit, then, in the Warning dialog, click Yes.




    As soon as possible

  9. On the Manage Configuration Packages page, examine results in the elements, then sign out.



    Export Setup Data button

    Export a configuration package after you create it. The export identifies setup data according to the export definition and adds it to the configuration package.

    Export a configuration package more than one time. Each export creates a different configuration package version that you can manage individually.

    Download Latest Version

    Download the most recent version of the configuration page.

    Export and Import Processes area

    Get details of the export or import for each configuration package.


    Examine the process status for each implementation project.

    Click the status to get details about each step of the export or import process.


    Download a version so you can use it during an export or import.

    Setup Data Report

    View or download a report that contains the setup data exported to the configuration package, including the business objects processed and details about errors that happened.

Import Your Setup

Import your setup into the target instance of Order Management.

  1. Sign into the target instance of Order Management with administrative privileges.

  2. Go to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

  3. On the Setup page, click Tasks > Manage Configuration Packages.

  4. On the Manage Configuration Packages page, in the search results, click the row that contains the configuration package you must update.

  5. In the Export and Import Processes area, click Import Setup Data.

  6. On the Enter Basic Information page, accept default values, then click Next.

  7. On the Select Pauses for External Import page, click Submit.

    The import process.

    • Adds setup data that doesn't already exist in the target configuration package. It adds setup data from the source configuration package into the target configuration package.

    • Updates setup data that already exists in the target package with modifications from the source package.

    • Doesn't delete existing setup.

    • Doesn't modify setup that exists in the target instance but not in the source instance.

  8. Restart the server that hosts the target instance.

Deploy Flexfields

You must deploy each flexfield that you import.

Get details about:

Deploy flexfields.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the task.

    • Offering: Order Management

    • Functional Area: Orders

    • Task: Manage Order Extensible Flexfields

  2. On the Manage Order Extensible Flexfields page, identify each flexfield where the deployment status isn't Deployed, then deploy it.

  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 on each of these pages, as necessary.

    • Manage Item Revision Descriptive Flexfields

    • Manage Units of Measure Descriptive Flexfields

    • Manage Item Descriptive Flexfields

    • Manage Item Revision Descriptive Flexfields

    • Manage Item Relationship Descriptive Flexfields

    • Manage Trading Partner Item Descriptive Flexfields

    • Manage Catalog Descriptive Flexfields

    • Manage Category Descriptive Flexfields

    • Manage Source System Descriptive Flexfields

    • Manage Order Descriptive Flexfields

    • Manage Pricing Descriptive Flexfields

  4. Sign into Oracle Enterprise Manager.

    For details about Oracle Enterprise Manager, see

  5. In the navigation tree, select SOA Infrastructure, then click UpdateSOAMDS.

  6. On the UpdateSOAMDS page, set the values.




    Set to updateDuring.


    This Value attribute resides in a row in the Input Arguments area, in Tree View. The value for Name in the row is *payload, and the Type is duration.

    Specify the time frame that has elapsed since the last time you deployed the flexfields. Use this format.



    • X. Number of months that have elapsed.

    • Y. Number of days that have elapsed.

    For example, if one month and one day have elapsed since the last time you deployed flexfields, then use this format.


    You can specify only the month, only the days, or months and days.

  7. Run the UpdateSOAMDS composite to synchronize SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) with flexfields in Order Management.

  8. Go to the Scheduled Processes work area.

  9. On the Scheduled Processes page, click Schedule New Process, then run the Publish Extensible Flexfield Attributes scheduled process.