Run the Regenerate Data Security Grants Process

You must regenerate an HCM data role if changes are made to the data security policies of its inherited job role. You can regenerate data and abstract roles individually by editing them on the Manage Data Roles and Security Profiles page.

Alternatively, to regenerate one or more roles, you can run the Regenerate Data Security Grants process. This topic describes how to run this process.

For example, if an aggregate privilege is removed from the job role, then you must regenerate any data role that inherits the job role. You must also regenerate any abstract role that has directly assigned security profiles if changes are made to the role's data security policies.

Run Regenerate Data Security Grants Process

Follow these steps.

  1. Sign in with the following roles or privileges:

    • IT Security Manager

    • Human Resource Specialist

    • Human Capital Management Application Administrator

  2. Open the Scheduled Processes work area.

  3. In the Scheduled Processes work area, click Schedule New Process.

  4. In the Schedule New Process dialog box, search for and select the Regenerate Data Security Grants process.

  5. Click OK.

  6. In the Process Details dialog box, set the Mode value to identify the types of roles to process. This table describes the values.

    Mode Value


    Named job role

    Regenerates any data role that inherits the specified job role directly. Data roles that inherit the job role indirectly aren't regenerated.

    Named data role

    Regenerates the specified data role only.

    Named abstract role

    Regenerates the specified abstract role only.

    All roles

    Regenerates all roles to which security profiles are assigned. In this mode, secured access for all roles is recalculated and the secured access of all users is refreshed. The time taken to complete this process depends on the number of roles to be regenerated.

  7. If you are regenerating an individual role, select the role.

  8. Click Submit .