Expedited Payroll Flow

Use the Expedited payroll flow to process expedited payments for prior pay period adjustments on the time card. The Expedited payroll flow is similar to the regular payroll flow.

The flow includes a sequence of payroll tasks and reports to identify, calculate, and make expedited payments.

Use the Submit a Flow task in My Client Groups to submit an expedited payroll flow

Run the expedited flow on demand, or schedule the flow to run at a predefined date and time for expedited processing. When you submit a payroll flow, select Yes in the Expedite Payroll parameter to identify this run as an expedited run.

The Oracle HCM Cloud Time and Labor manager identifies and marks the time cards that come in late or have errors for expedited processing. The manager sets the Expedite value to Yes on the time card, so that the payroll entries are included in the expedited process. Optionally, the manager could override the payment method to check/cheque and set the Override Check Printer value to a printer location.

Here's the list of tasks in sequence that the expedited payroll flow triggers:

  1. The Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes task generates retroactive element entries for the prior pay period adjustments pertaining to time cards marked for expedited processing. The retroactive element entries retain the expedited payroll attributes from the time card elements.

  2. The Calculate Payroll task is run when you set the Expedite Payroll parameter to Yes. This process includes only the employees whose retroactive time entries are marked for expedited processing. For each included employee, these retroactive time entries and elements configured for expedited processing are processed. The application skips time card entries that aren't retroactive.

  3. The Calculate Prepayments task looks for employees whose payment method is overridden to check/cheque, on the value definition of the payroll entry. If no override is found, the process uses the usual payment method used in a regular payroll run.

  4. The Archive Periodic Payroll Results task archives the expedited payroll results for further processing.

  5. The Generate Check Payments task picks all the prepayments marked for check/cheque.

  6. The Make EFT Payments task picks all the prepayments that aren't overridden to check/cheque and who have a default payment method of EFT payments.

  7. The Generate Payslips task generates payslips for all the employees receiving expedited payments in this flow. The employees who are eligible for an expedited payment can view their payslips early. Set the Override Payslip Availability Date to a date earlier than the regular payslip availability date that's defined in the regular payroll calendar.