Resubmit Time Cards Process

A person's information, such as the payroll relationship or assignment status, can change retroactively. These changes can also change the person's layout set, time card period, or both. And, the person can add and change absences on existing time cards.

Because these changes, you might need to resubmit the person's time cards from the retroactive change date and forward. You can use the Resubmit Time Cards process to identify and optionally resubmit time cards affected by retroactive changes. To configure and submit this process, use the Scheduled Processes task in the Time Management work area. The process resubmits only time cards with a status of Submitted or Approved.

Calculated data for resubmitted time cards might remain unchanged by the retroactive changes to person information. In these instances, the process rolls back the resubmission and returns the time card to its original status, Submitted or Approved.

Automatic Refresh of HCM Group Members

Retroactive changes to person information can change the HCM groups that people are members of. So, this process starts by automatically refreshing the group membership of the affected people.

Key Process Parameters

Here are descriptions of key parameters for this process.

Parameter Description
Resubmit specific time cards Use search criteria, such as group name, collective agreement, or legislative data group to identify affected time cards.
Process Mode

Available after you select the Resubmit specific time cards parameter.

You use the mode to specify whether the process should only identify time cards or identify and resubmit them. The default mode is identification only.

Resubmit time cards identified by WFM events

Use WFM events and actions to identify and resubmit affected time cards.

You load events and actions using HCM Data Loader and these business objects: event group, group translation, action, and action translation. These business objects are available under the Global Payroll - Define product area.

Autoapprove time cards that were previously approved Reapprove resubmitted time cards automatically after recalculation, instead of sending them through the approval workflow again.
Create multiple time cards for the time card period, as applicable

Split the original time card into two or more time cards for the same period, as appropriate. For example, the time card layout and overtime calculation rule change for a person in the middle of the time card period. If you select this parameter, the process would create two time cards.

  • The first time card uses the original layout and rule for the workdays before the retroactive change date.
  • The second time card uses the new layout and rule for the workdays starting on the retroactive change date.
Automatically withdraw any change requests linked to the split time card. Send appropriate notifications to the change request approver and individual the time card is for. Also let the individual know to request their time changes again.

To schedule recurring processes, click Advanced.