Manage Item Templates

Use item templates to assign attribute values during item creation in Oracle Product Hub.

An item template is a defined set of attribute values. When you apply an item template to an item in an organization, you insert the attribute values into the item definition. The defined attribute values from the item template automatically populate the appropriate item attribute fields.

Item templates are specific to an item class and an organization. The templates are inherited in a hierarchical item class and apply to all child item classes. Item templates can contain values for predefined attributes and user-defined attributes.

In addition to predefined item templates, you can create item templates, if required. You can also copy existing item templates to multiple organizations.

Key considerations:
  • Attribute values aren't validated in the template. Hence, a template with invalid combinations of attribute values may be set up.
  • Attributes that aren't set in the template won't be applied to an item when the template is applied during item creation in transactional item flows.
  • If an attribute value is left blank or set as null in the template, then the attribute value won't be applied to the item when the template is applied.
  • If attribute values are set in the template, they are applied to the item even if the user doesn't have read or edit privileges for such attributes at the item level.
  • Templates can be applied sequentially, overwriting any previous values that were set by the template.
  • Applying templates sequentially may result in invalid combinations of attribute values. Hence, caution is advised when defining templates that could overwrite other attribute values.
  • Don't set the status in the template because this may result in the status attribute values being overwritten by the templates, leading to an invalid combination of attribute values.

Create Item Templates

You can select a predefined item template to apply to an item. You can also create item templates in an organization. To create item templates, use the Manage Item Classes task available for the Product Management functional area in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

You can also edit or delete item templates as required.

If you haven't specified attribute values in the template, those values won't be applied when the template is applied during item creation. If there are hidden attributes in the templates, and if you don't want the values from the hidden attributes to be applied on the item, then make sure you don't provide any values for these hidden attributes. Also, the attributes itself may have default values. Therefore, if such attributes are hidden in the template, then when the template is applied to item, the values from the hidden attributes will be applied on the item.

Copy Item Templates

You can copy multiple existing item templates to multiple organizations simultaneously.

Copy the item templates as follows:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, select the following:

    • Offering: Product Management

    • Functional Area: Items

    • Task: Manage Item Classes

  2. Select the item class with the item template to copy, and click Edit.

  3. In the Templates and Formats tab of the Edit Item Class page, select the item templates to copy, and click Copy.

  4. In the Copy Templates dialog box, search and select the organizations where the templates are to be copied, and click OK. You can also search and select an organization hierarchy, in which case the template will be copied to all organizations in the hierarchy.

You can specify a default item template in an organization. To do so, select the Default check box for an item template in the Templates and Formats tab. The item template is used by default when you create an item.

Add Predefined Item Templates

If the predefined item templates do not automatically appear in an organization, you can add them manually.

Add the item templates as follows:

  1. In the Edit Item Class page, click Actions > Add Predefined Templates.

  2. In the Add Predefined Templates dialog box, search and select the organization in which to add the item templates, and click OK.