Refresh Replenishment Data

On the Manage Inventory page, you can search for an item by entering the search parameters and see the last time the data was refreshed and refresh it, if required.

To refresh the data:

  • Run the Refresh VMI Replenishment Data scheduled process.

  • Select the replenishment item row on the Manage Inventory page and click Actions > Refresh Replenishment Data. This method is useful if you're working with a supplier and want to ensure one or a few items have been updated in between running the scheduled process.

Note: In Oracle Supply Chain Collaboration work area, only data on the Manage Inventory page, VMI Exceptions infolet, and Requiring Replenishment infolet is a snapshot and needs to be periodically refreshed. The View Item Details page, the Review Item Transactions page, and the pages in the Oracle Supplier Portal work area display real-time data and do not need to be refreshed.

To refresh VMI data for a selected replenishment item:

  1. In the Supply Chain Collaboration work area, click Manage Inventory in the Tasks panel.

  2. On the Manage Inventory page, search for the item.

  3. Add the Last Refresh Date column to the search results to see the last time the item was refreshed.

  4. Select the relevant row in the search results and click Actions > Refresh Replenishment Data.

    The data for the replenishment item is refreshed and the Last Refresh Date is updated.