How do I validate geographies of addresses against master geographies and generate naming references?

This scheduled process helps you validate an address against master geography data and generates geography naming references.

Geography Name Referencing (GNR) process validates address elements in location tables, such as HZ_LOCATIONS, against the master geography data.

When to Use

This scheduled process validates address data against master geographies. This scheduled process checks whether geography elements of an address like state, city, postal code, are valid as per master geography data. It also stores Geography Name Referencing information for the address. Note that geography validation isn’t the same as address verification. Address Verification depends upon Oracle or any third-party address verification services for verifying addresses.

You can run this scheduled process for the following reasons:

  • When you must generate or refresh the geography naming references data for a location.

  • After creating new locations or updating existing locations using import and when geography naming references generation at the time of creation is turned off.

  • When the master geography hierarchy has changed after the geography naming references data is computed and we require to re-compute the geography naming references data.

  • We recommend that the profile option value of the HZ_POST_IMPORT_GNR_INVOKE profile option is set to N. When this profile option value is set to N, the Validate Geographies of Addresses Against Master Geographies scheduled process isn't invoked after every import following bulk uploads. Instead, you must schedule this scheduled process every week during off peak hours. This helps improve the geography data import performance.
  • Schedule this process after loading Persons or Employees in HCM.

The time taken to complete one instance of this scheduled process (GNR job) depends upon the following factors:

  • The number of locations or addresses in the application
  • The number of validation levels set for a given country
  • The number of geographies for the given country
To process a large volume of addresses for a country using this scheduled process, fine tune the following profile options:
  • HZ_GNR_NUM_OF_WORKERS: By default, the value of this profile option is 1. So only one worker job is created. Increase this number based on the number of jobs you want to use.
  • HZ_GNR_COMMIT_SIZE: By default, the value of this profile option is 1000 records. Increase this number based on the number of records you want to process.

Privileges Required

Verify that you have the following privilege or role:

  • Role:

    • Application Implementation Consultant

  • Privilege:

    • Run Trading Community Geography Name Referencing Maintenance

Before You Start

Review the following before scheduling this scheduled process:

  • Recommended Frequency:

    • Run this scheduled process whenever the geography naming references data for a location is generated or refreshed.

  • Compatibility:

    • This process is self-incompatible and also incompatible with the Group Territory Geographies process.

    • If multiple instances are submitted, the first instance runs and subsequent instances remain in blocked status until the first instance is completed.



Optional or Mandatory


Parameter Values

Special Combinations Required


Location Table Name


Specifies the table name containing the address records that you want to process.




The PER_ADDRESSES_F value works only for tax validation and not for address validation. For example, if you are using this GNR process in HCM and you select the PER_ADDRESSES_F option, then this scheduled processes can be used for tax purposes but not for validating employee addresses.

Run Type


Specifies the data set to be processed. Specify if you want to process all records, only records that previously resulted in error, or only new records that were never processed. The choice to process all records can take considerable amount of time to complete. In taxation applications, an upgrade parameter is available, if the application is installed at the time of upgrade. If you already processed all records or upgraded recently, you may select only the New or the Error parameter.





ALL-Validates all Locations

Error-Re-validates erroneous records

NEW-Validates new locations

Usage Code


Specifies the validation usage code. This parameter specifies whether the GEOGRAPHY or TAX validation must be run. Specify to run the program for either the tax or geography validation usage. The program provides results that correspond to validation rules associated with the selected usage.




Use GEOGRAPHY for address validation.

Country Code


Specifies the ISO Country Code for which the process is run. Enter the country for which addresses must be processed.

Example: US



From Location ID


Specifies the beginning Location ID from which validation should be run

Numeric Value

From Location ID should be less than To Location ID


To Location ID


Specifies the ending Location ID till which validation should be run

Numeric Value

To Location ID should be greater than From Location ID


Start Date


Specifies the begin Location Effective Start Date


Format : YYYY/MM/DD

Example: 2019/12/24

Start Date should be lower than End Date


End Date


Specifies the begin Location Effective End Date


Format : YYYY/MM/DD

Example: 2019/12/24

End Date should be higher than Start Date


Geography Name Referencing (GNR) records are created for addresses based on the country structure for a particular country and the validations defined on that structure. The following table displays the relationship between validations defined and the creation of GNR records. It also shows how the records change when correct or incorrect data are provided as values for addresses.
Use Case Address Validations Defined Address GNR Records GNR Map Status
Correct data with no validations None

Country: US

State: CA

City: Redwood City

Postal Code: 94065

GNR record created for country Success
Correct data with validations turned on for all levels

Country: US

Validations Defined for: State, County, City, Postal Code

Country: US

State: CA

City: Redwood City

Postal Code :94065

GNR Records created for country, state, county,city and postal code Success
Correct date with validation defined only for last level

Country: US

Validations Defined for: Postal Code

Country: US

State: CA

City: Redwood City

Postal Code: 94065

GNR Records created for country, state, county,city and postal code Success
Correct date with validation defined only for last level. Postal Code is unique and falls within single city in the county.

Country: US

Validations Defined for: Postal Code

Country: US

State: CA


Postal Code: 94065

GNR Records created for country, state, county,city and postal code. Success
Correct data with validation on middle level

Country: US

Validations Defined for: City

Country: US

State: CA

City: Redwood City

Postal Code: 94065

GNR Records created for country, state, county,city and postal code Success

Correct data with validation on middle level.

Postal Code is unique and falls within single city in the county.

Country: US

Validations Defined for: City

Country: US

State: CA

City: <NULL>

Postal Code: 94065

GNR Records created for country, state, county,city and postal code . Success
Incorrect data for last level with validation on middle level

Country: US

Validations Defined for: City

Country: US

State: NY

City: New York

Postal Code: 1111

GNR Records created for country, state, county and city Success
Incorrect data for last levels with validation on middle level

Country: US

Validations Defined for: State

Country: US

State: CA

City: Abc

Postal Code: 94065

GNR Records created for country and state Success
Incorrect data for last levels with validation on middle level

Country: US

Validations Defined for: State

Country: US

State: CA

City: Redwood City

Postal Code: 111

GNR Records created for country, state, county and city Success
Incorrect data for last level with validations turned on for all levels

Country: US

Validations Defined for: State, County, City, Postal Code

Country: US

State: CA

City: Redwood City

Postal Code: 10027

(assume 10027 postal code does not exist)

GNR Records created for:





Incorrect data for middle level followed by correct data on subsequent levels with validations turned on for all levels

Country: US

Validations Defined for: State, County, City, Postal Code

Country: US

State: CA

City: Xyz

Postal Code: 94065

GNR Records created for:



Incorrect data for middle level with validation defined only for last level

Country: US

Validations Defined for: Postal Code

Country: US

State: CA

City: Abc

Postal Code: 94065

GNR Records created for country and state Error
Correct data with validation defined only for last level. Same Postal Code is in two cities (which are in the same county).

Country: US

Validations Defined for: Postal Code

Country: US

State: CA

City: <NULL>

Postal Code: 94065

GNR Records created for Country, State, County Error