Simplified Configuration for MasterCard CDF3 and Visa VCF4 Files

You can set up your company account with MasterCard under a single company account number globally. This simplified configuration supports corporate card transaction files that are generated for multiple entities in your company under a single company account number.

The same setup is also available for Visa card programs.

To simplify your company account setup on the Create Company Account dialog box, you're not required to enter values for these fields:

  • Company Account Number

  • Card Issuer Number

  • Processor-Assigned Number

For added convenience, if your company accounts aren't set up so they correspond to business units, the application can perform employee matching across all business units. This matching occurs when a transaction in a charge file matches a company account based on the information that came in the transaction, but the employee number isn't in the same business unit. To match employee transactions across business units, select the Perform employee matching across all business units check box on the Create Corporate Card Program page, File Details section, Upload Rules tab.

When you run the Upload Corporate Card Transaction Files process, it uploads and validates your corporate card transactions files.