Rosters Management

You can use rosters to view and manage student enrollment and results data.

From Student Central, click Search and search for Rosters.

A scheduled course is also known as a course section.

Access to Rosters

Here are some key points about access to rosters:

  1. If you have the relevant security profile, you can access the Rosters UI.

  2. On the Rosters landing page, you can access rosters only for the scheduled courses to which you're assigned as a staff member.

    Staff are assigned to a scheduled course (in the Instructional Staff section) when a course is created and scheduled.

  3. There's one exception. If your security profile includes the Registrar role, you can access rosters for all scheduled courses.

Scheduled Course Rosters

You can view this information:

  • Students enrolled in the scheduled course.

  • Staff associated with the scheduled course.

On the Waitlist tab, which information you can see and which actions you can take depends on security permissions.

You can notify students when they're added to, removed from, or enrolled from a waitlist and when their position on a waitlist changes.

Grade Rosters

Here are some things that you can do:

  • View, edit, or remove grades for students in a scheduled course.

  • Add notes to a student's result records.

  • Access a student's result history.