Email Delivery of Balance Forward Bills

Deliver balance forward bills by email as PDF attachments to your customer account or site level contacts.

You can email balance forward bills directly to your customers, in addition to the existing capability of printing bills.

Setups for Email Delivery of Balance Forward Bills

You must opt in to enable this feature, and then complete the related setups in Receivables.

Setups for email delivery of balance forward bills include:

  • Receivables System Options: Transaction Delivery Using Email

  • Customer account and site profiles

  • Customer account and site contacts

Updates to Balance Forward Bill Processes

Once you enable and set up Email Delivery of Balance Forward Bills, the following scheduled processes are available for generating balance forward bills:

  • Create Balance Forward Bills: Generate balance forward bills as PDFs and send them by email.

  • Deliver Balance Forward Bills: Deliver previously delivered balance forward bills using the designated delivery method (Paper or Email).

  • Print Summary Balance Forward Bills and Print Detailed Balance Forward Bills: Continue to deliver previously delivered balance forward bills using the delivery method Paper.

The Create Balance Forward Bills process contains the additional parameter Draft Email ID. When you create balance forward bills in Draft mode (Print Option parameter = Print draft balance forward bills), you can use this parameter to send the draft bill to the email address of your choice for testing and review.

The Draft Email ID parameter is a free text field, but the email address you enter must conform to the standard format for email addresses (abc@xyz.pqr). When you run the Create Balance Forward Bills process with an email address in this parameter, this email address receives a PDF of all balance forward bills generated by the process run for customers enabled for email delivery only.

The Create Balance Forward Bills process doesn't generate an error under any of the following conditions:

  • Email address you entered doesn't exist.

  • Email address you entered exists, but it isn't the one you intended.

  • Email recipient inbox is full.

Deliver Balance Forward Bills Process

The Email Delivery of Balance Forward Bills feature enables the Deliver Balance Forward Bills process to deliver previous balance forward bills (Paper or Email) for the applicable customers.

Use the Deliver Balance Forward Bills process to deliver previously created balance forward bills to customers. Enter in the Process ID parameter the process ID of a previous run of balance forward bills. The process delivers the bills by email as a PDF attachment for all customer account and site profiles enabled for email delivery.