Enable the Integration with LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect

You can integrate with Recruiter System Connect for sharing transactional recruiting data between Oracle Fusion Cloud Recruiting and LinkedIn Recruiter.

To enable the LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect integration, you need to have your own LinkedIn application (client_id) for each environment you need to test. This ensures that the data isn't corrupted across environments (staging, test, production).

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:

    • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience

    • Functional Area: Recruiting and Candidate Experience Management

    • Task: Recruiting Category Provisioning and Configuration

  2. On the Category Provisioning and Configuration page, click the Edit icon next to Profile Import Partners.

  3. On the Profile Import Partners page, go to the LinkedIn section.

  4. By default, the Create LinkedIn Customer Application option is selected.

  5. Enter the application name.
  6. Click Start Activation Process. The LinkedIn app is created using the LinkedIn API, which creates the app and returns the Client ID and Client Secret. The Client ID and Client Secret are displayed and can't be modified.

You now need to configure LinkedIn Administration settings.

  1. Go to http://www.linkedin.com and navigate to LinkedIn Recruiter > Profile Picture > Administration settings > ATS tab.

  2. Find the partner service you just created.

  3. Ensure that the ATS client name on the screen is identical to the Application Name created in Oracle Recruiting Cloud.

  4. Ensure that the following settings are enabled. The LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect partner service in Oracle Recruiting can't be enabled if these two settings are disabled.

    • Contract Level access (for every seat on this contract).

    • Company Level access (for every contract in your company).

  5. When LinkedIn Recruiter is successfully enabled, the integration status in Oracle Recruiting displays Enabled.

Note: Below are requirements for a job requisition to be available in Export to ATS:
  • Requisition posted date must be after 1-1-70.
  • Requisition shouldn't be a pipeline requisition.

You need to map at least one LinkedIn Recruiter to a Recruiting user to enable and start the one-time full synchronization process.

  1. Go to LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect Contracts and click Map Seats.

  2. Click Request Recruiter Seats to fetch all the recruiter seats.

  3. Assign LinkedIn recruiter seats to Oracle Recruiting users and click Save.

  4. When users are mapped, activate the contract and accept the terms and conditions.

  5. Enable the LinkedIn Profile Import and LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect at the same time. LinkedIn Profile Import or LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect can't be activated alone.

  6. Save the configuration to active the integration.

  7. Schedule and start the process called Synchronize LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect. This will start the full synchronization of data between Oracle Recruiting and LinkedIn Recruiter. Based on the volume of the data, the synchronization will take between 6 hours to a few days. When the full synchronization is complete, users can start using the integration features both in LinkedIn RSC and Oracle Recruiting.

LinkedIn's Recruiter System Connect API helps to synchronize jobs, candidate applications, and candidates between Oracle Recruiting and LinkedIn. The following synchronization settings are optimized for data transfer. We strongly recommend to not change these settings.

Synchronization Property

Description and Limit

Batch Size

Submit batch calls grouped with no more than 100 records in sequential order

Maximum Number of Requests per Day


Maximum Number of Records per Minute


Job Creation Status Daily Call Limit


Time Between Batch Jobs in Seconds


Prospect Interactions Synchronization Frequency in Hours

4 hrs (Oracle Recruiting will fetch prospect interactions based on this setting)

LinkedIn might change these API limits from time to time and we encourage you to review LinkedIn RSC documentation for more information.

By default, all jobs are sent as private and are only visible in your LinkedIn products. The setting Send Job Requisitions as Private controls this behavior. If you want jobs to be set as public and appear to job seekers on LinkedIn.com, you need to disable the setting.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:

    • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience

    • Functional Area: Recruiting and Candidate Experience Management

    • Task: Recruiting Category Provisioning and Configuration

  2. On the Category Provisioning and Configuration page, click the Edit icon next to Profile Import Partners.

  3. On the Profile Import Partners page, go to the LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect under Social Media, and click Synchronization Settings.

  4. To have jobs appear on LinkedIn, deselect the setting Send Job Requisition as Private.

Note: LinkedIn doesn't have a staging or testing environment. All the testing of the Recruiter System Connect functionality is done in LinkedIn production, which means jobs synchronized as public will be available on LinkedIn.com, all Recruiter System Connect features enabled on a particular contract will be visible to all users on that contract. Recruiter System Connect is a ready-to-use activation. To test the Recruiter System Connect functionality, you need to contact your LinkedIn CSM.

It's possible to delete the LinkedIn application and reset the settings using the Delete Application profile option. This isn't intended for regular use and must be used only in the case of data corruption (for example due to Production-to-Test - P2T). As a general practice, you should have a separate LinkedIn application key across the environments. By default, the Delete Application profile option isn't visible in the LinkedIn Application area. To use it, you need to create a profile option and enable it.

Warning: An error will occur in the Profile Import Partner page if a recruiter is mapped on two different LinkedIn contracts at the same time.
  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, click the Tasks icon.
  2. Click Search.
  3. Search for the task Manage Administrator Profile Values.
  4. Click the task name.
  5. On the Manage Administrator Profile Values page, search for the profile option code IRC_RSC_ALLOW_DELETE.
  6. When it appears in the Search Results section, select it.

  7. Click the New icon to add a new profile value.

  8. Select the Site profile level.

  9. Enter Y in the Profile Value field.

  10. Click Save and Close.

You can enable the LinkedIn Recommended matches feature.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:

    • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience

    • Functional Area: Recruiting and Candidate Experience Management

    • Task: Recruiting Category Provisioning and Configuration

  2. On the Category Provisioning and Configuration page, click Edit next to Profile Import Partners.

  3. In the Recommended Matches section, select the Active option.

If you have questions about the integration, see the document FAQs for LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect Integration on My Oracle Support (ID 2693159.1).