Overview of Data Verification

Data verification includes verification of addresses, phones, and email addresses that are available in your application.

Address cleansing is a process that corrects, validates, and enhances address data, based on postal requirements. For example, you can correct misspelled city or street names; add missing elements, like full postal code or state. Likewise, if you enter valid values for city, state, and country, the data quality functionality automatically supplies a postal code value. Similarly, verification of phone numbers and email addresses ensures that the phone number and the email addresses exist.

Note that for data verification you require a separate license for the Oracle Address, Email, and Phone Verification. Oracle Address, Email, and Phone Verification, ensures that you have the correct postal addresses, that your emails don't bounce, and your calls go through.

The data verification functionality is available:

  • Real-time, on the Create Organization (Create Account) or Create Person (Create Contact) UIs

  • In batch mode in the Data Verification work area

  • Import data of Accounts and Contacts

Configure Customer Data Management Cloud to Verification Services Integration

Complete these steps to configure Customer Data Management Cloud to Data Cloud Integration:

  1. Sign in to Customer Data Management Cloud as a setup user.

  2. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance.

  3. Click the Tasks side panel to open it, and click Search.

  4. Search for and go to the task: Manage Integration with Oracle Verification Services.

  5. Enter the following information on the Manage Integration with Oracle Verification Services page:

    Select OAuth Authentication.

    For information about adding a confidential application and getting the Client ID and Secret, see Add a Confidential Application topic in the Administering Oracle Identity Cloud Service guide.

    Note: On the Client page of the Add Confidential Application wizard, in the Authorization section, select Resource Owner, Client Credentials, Authorization Code, and Refresh Token as Allowed Grant Types. Leave Redirect URL blank.
    Note: If you use Basic Authentication, don't include the question mark special character (?) in the password. For URL, remove /data/ui from the end of the instance address listed in your Welcome email and in the Cloud Console.

    For URL, remove /data/ui from the end of the instance address listed in your Welcome email and in the Cloud Console.

    For example, https://mydataservice-myidentitydomain.data.us2.oraclecloud.com.

  6. Click Save and Close.