How You Assign Goal Plans

When you create a regular goal plan, the goals in the goal plan aren't automatically assigned to the workers included in the goal plan. You need to run a scheduled process to assign the goals.

How to Assign Goal Plans

Here's how you assign goal plans:

  1. Use the Scheduled Processes for Performance Goals link available in the administrator's Goals landing page.

  2. Select the Assign goal plans process type.

  3. Select the goal plan name as the process name.

  4. Submit the process.

What Happens When Multithreaded Batch processing Is Enabled

If the profile options for multithreaded batch processing of goal plans have been set up, multiple child processes are created to assign loose goal plans. The parent process remains in the paused state until the child processes complete. The number of child processes (or threads) created and the assignees in each process depends on the values that are specified for these profile options:




This table indicates the default value of these profile options and what you need to remember when you specify a value for these profile options.

Profile Option


Default Value

Points to Remember


Specifies the maximum number of threads for each batch process that assigns goals of a goal plan.


  • If the value of this profile option is set to 0 or 1, only a single-threaded process is created.

  • This profile option value can't exceed 8. If it exceeds 8, the profile option value is reset to the default value 4.


Specifies the minimum number of assignments required for each thread of the multithreaded batch process.


We recommend not to change the default value.


Specifies the minimum number of assignments required for the last thread of the multithreaded batch process.


We recommend not to change the default value.

The value set for the HRG_GP_MAX_THREADS profile option only specifies the maximum number of threads. The actual number of threads to create is dynamically determined based on the values set for HRG_GP_MINCOUNT_EACHTHREAD and HRG_GP_MINCOUNT_LASTTHREAD profile options.

The assignments in each thread other than the last thread = Total number of goal plan assignees/Total number of threads

For example, let's assume that these values are assigned to the three profile options.




Let's also assume that the number of people to whom the goal plans must be assigned is 20500. In this case, 4 child processes are created. The assignments done in each child process other than the last one is 5000. The last child process assigns goals in the goal plan for the remaining 5500 people.

What Happens After the Scheduled Process Completes

Here's what happens when you run the process for a new goal plan, rerun the scheduled process for an existing goal plan, or edit a goal plan and then rerun the process:

  • Any new workers selected in the goal plan are assigned the included goals.

  • Any new goals included in the goal plan are assigned to the selected workers.

  • Any goals included in the goal plan, but already assigned to the selected workers remain assigned. There are no changes to such goals for the selected workers.

  • Any goals included in the goal plan assigned earlier to any workers excluded later from the goal plan remain assigned to them. There are no changes to such goals or goal plans for the excluded workers. You must manually remove the goal from the goal plan for any workers included in any earlier submissions.