Guidelines for Loading Person Address

The person address is a component of the Worker object. The person address is validated in these 2 ways:

  • The first validation method is when the user creates an address in the responsive pages. The address is validated based on the geography data configuration as specified in the Manage Geographies task.

    However, this validation doesn't apply when address data is loaded using REST and HCM Data Loader. For these scenarios, you can run the Validate Geographies of Addresses Against Master Geographies ESS process with these parameters: Location Table Name = PER_ADDRESSES_F, Run Type = ALL, Country Code. This ESS process will give the list of addresses that don't match the validation. You can then correct these addresses.

  • The second validation method is through Oracle-delivered business logic units. For example, for Netherlands, the business logic unit states that the postal code must follow the NNNNAA format (N is a number, A is either an uppercase or a lowercase letter). You can specify whether these validations should trigger when loading address data. You can do so by selecting the Address Validation check box for the specific country or territory in the Manage Features by Country or Territory task in the Setup and Maintenance work area. If Address Validation isn't selected, then the business logic unit validations won't be applied when address data is loaded using HCM Data Loader or through the UI.

For country-specific validations on the address attributes, it's recommended to check the localization documentation on Oracle Support.