Overview of Salary

The Salary business object contains details, such as the salary basis and salary amount. These details come from the CMP_SALARY table. You typically use the Salary business object in these cases.

  • Default a salary basis depending on whether the person's assignment has them as hourly or salaried
  • Default a salary basis according to the FLSA status of the person's job.
  • Validate that the salary basis frequency aligns with people's working hours. For example, make sure that people working full time are assigned an annual salary. And make sure people working part time are assigned an hourly salary.
  • Prevent people from reducing a salary amount.
  • Prevent people without the HR Specialist role from increasing a salary amount by more than a specified percentage.

The Salary business object impacts these responsive flows.

  • Change Salary
  • Create Job Offer
  • Edit Job Offer
  • Person and Employment actions that include the Salary section
  • Salary History

In Transaction Design Studio, the separate Create Job Offer and Edit Job Offer actions are the single action Create and Edit Job Offer.

Caution: To avoid getting exceptions, you need to make sure that your Autocomplete rules don't contradict or conflict with each other because all rules run simultaneously.