How You Enable Access to Autocomplete Rules

You need to make any application changes related to Autocomplete Rules in a sandbox. Sandboxes store configurations in Extensible Markup Language (XML) files in a separate Oracle Metadata Services repository that's available only when you work in that particular sandbox.

You can make the changes in either of these 2 ways.

  • A test-only sandbox where the code is for testing only, and is never deployed

  • A sandbox to be published to the full test environment

You need to enable a sandbox to access the HCM Experience Design Studio and Autocomplete Rules. You can either manually create and enable a sandbox or automatically create it from My Client Groups tab. These steps outline how you can manually create and enable a sandbox.

  1. Click Navigator > Configuration > Sandboxes.

  2. Click Create Sandbox.

  3. Enter the Name.

  4. Select the Active box for HCM Experience Design Studio.

  5. Click Create and Enter.

  6. Click HCM Experience Design Studio from the Tools menu on the home page.

Another way to enable a sandbox is from the quick actions on the My Client Groups tab. When you click the HCM Experience Design Studio quick action, a sandbox named DESIGN_STDIO_AUTO_CREATED_SB_YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS is automatically created for you. HCM Experience Design Studio is the only tool enabled in the sandbox but you can add any other tools as needed.

As long as the auto-created sandbox isn't corrupted and is in proper status, the same sandbox opens again. If the existing sandbox is in Refreshing or Refresh Needed or Not publishable state, then the sandbox isn't selected and a new sandbox is created and used.