Import Items Into Configurator Models

You import an item from the Product Information Management work area into the Configurator Models work area.

The item that you import must be a model. You can tell because the Structure Item Type attribute for the item equals Model in Product Information Management. For details, see Configurator Models.

Results After You Import

Configurator copies some of the attributes of the model and the model's children that you import and stores them in a snapshot.

Item Attributes

Child Attributes

  • Description

  • Item Type

  • Primary UOM Code

  • Indivisible Flag

  • Organization

  • Serial Generation

  • Track in Installed Base

  • Minimum Quantity

  • Maximum Quantity

  • Default Quantity

  • Optional Children Are Mutually Exclusive

  • Required When Parent Is Selected

  • Start Date

  • End date

  • Sequence Number

  • Instantiation Type

  • Show in Sales


  • A model is a type of item, so the Item Attributes column contains the model's attributes and attributes on the model's child items.
  • The Child Attributes column contains attributes for items that are children of a model or an option class.
  • Some attributes in Product Information Management don't affect the snapshot. If you modify the value of an attribute in Product Information Management, and if the attribute that you modify isn't part of the import, then your modification doesn't affect the snapshot.

  • The import sets the name of the snapshot to the name of the item that you import, and the description of the snapshot to the description of the item that you import.

  • If a snapshot of the item's item class doesn't already exist, then the import imports the item class.

  • If a snapshot of the parent of this item class doesn't already exist, then the import imports the parent item class.

  • A referenced model is a model that another model references. If the model that you import references another model, then the snapshot will also include the referenced model. For example, assume the parent Car model's hierarchy in Product Information Management references a child model named Engine Assembly. The Engine Assembly is a referenced model in the Car model.

Transactional Attributes

If your item in Product Information Management has a transactional attribute, then the transactional attribute for your item is part of the item's item class in Product Information Management.

  • The import implicitly imports your item classes and the value sets that your transactional attribute references when you import an item from Product Information Management into Configurator.
  • The import creates a snapshot of each value set that's associated with each transactional attribute that's part of the item's item class.

  • The value set that you use with the transactional attribute in Product Information Management determines the values that the host application displays. To set the value of a transactional attribute in the host application, the end-user selects an edit control on the item, then selects or enters a value in a dialog for the transactional attribute.

There are some restrictions when you use a transactional attribute with Configurator.

  • You can use a transactional attribute only with an Independent, Subset, or Format Only value set. You can't use a transactional attribute with a Dependent, Table, or View Object value set.

  • Your set up for a transactional attribute in the hierarchy of the item class in Product Information Management work area can constrain the transactional attribute, but it must not relax an inherited definition. This rule also applies to any modification that you make to a child item class in the hierarchy.

User Defined Attributes

User defined is a bit of a misnomer. Usually, when we say user, we mean end user who does transactions in the host application, such as an Order Entry Specialist who creates a sales order. But here, user defined means you, an administrator who creates an attribute in Product Information Management.

The snapshot only includes the user defined attributes that you specify when you use the Manage Item page in Product Information Management.

If you need to import a user-defined attribute on a different item, you can associate an attribute group in different item classes that:

  • Currently have values

  • You create at the item level

For details, see User-Defined Item Attributes and Attribute Groups.