Create Cost Adjustments

Joint venture accountants can create cost adjustments.

  1. From the Home page, select Joint Venture Management, and then select Create Joint Venture Distributions from the Quick Actions list.

  2. On Process Details, determine when you want to run the process:

    • As soon as possible. This is the default.

    • On a schedule. Click Advanced to set up a schedule for running the process. In the Advanced Options, you can create a schedule and set up a notification so you or another user are notified about the process.

  3. For the Processing Mode, select Create Project Costing Adjustments.

  4. Complete the following required fields to identify the transaction source for which project-related distributions were generated:

    • Project Transaction Source = Oracle Fusion Joint Venture Management

      When running the process to import cost adjustments into Oracle Project Costing, a project accountant must enter this same value for the Project Transaction Source.

    • Project Transaction Document = JV Partner Reimbursements

    • Distribution Document Entry = Distribution

    • Distribution Reversal Document Entry = Distribution Reversal

    • Document Entry to Rebill Distributions = Rebill

      After cost adjustments are imported into Project Costing, you can use the preceding values for filtering purposes in the application.

  5. Complete these optional fields if needed:

    • Business Unit

      To process cost adjustments for joint ventures associated with a particular business unit, enter the business unit here.

      If you have multiple joint ventures managed under different business units, then leave this blank to process cost adjustments for all your joint ventures.

    • Project Number From

    • Project Number To

      You can create cost adjustments based on a range of project numbers. Or you can enter the same value in the preceding fields if you are creating adjustments for a single project.

    • Expenditure from Date

    • Expenditure to Date

      Enter a date range in these fields to create cost adjustments on expenditure items based on an expenditure date range.

      This image shows the page with the Create Joint Venture Distributions process selected with a Process Mode of Create Project Costing Adjustments. The columns and the values entered for each column are described in surrounding text.
  6. Click Submit.

    The process creates cost adjustments for joint venture distributions with a Project Costing Status of “Available to process.” After the process completes, the Project Costing Status for the distributions changes to “In progress.” In this status, cost adjustments are awaiting import into Project Costing.