Identify Distributable Transactions by Project Information

The accounts identified as distributable for a joint venture can contain transactions related to various projects.

After you identify distributable accounts in a joint venture definition, you can also enter project details to identify certain project-related transactions for distribution, and not others. You need this additional level of refinement if the accounts that you’ve identified as distributable for a joint venture contain project-related transactions that you don’t want distributed.

Caution: This pertains only to capital asset projects and expense-only projects defined in Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management. Identifying transactions associated with contract projects for distribution in Oracle Joint Venture Management might result in overbilling.

You can identify distributable transactions by project information in one of two ways:

  • Create a project set and then assign it to the joint venture definition. (Recommended)

    Project sets provide an efficient and flexible method for identifying distributable transactions. In a project set, you can enter filter criteria to identify a range of project values including project numbers, task numbers, expenditure types, and expenditure organizations.

  • Identify individual project values in the joint venture definition.

    On the Distributable Project Values page in a joint venture definition, you can create distributable project value rules. With this method, you must set up a distributable project value rule to identify each project value, which is more tedious. You might want to use this method if you only have a few projects, but regardless, you're highly encouraged to use a project set instead.