How You Archive and Purge Assigned Journeys

You can periodically archive and purge assigned journeys in terminal status such as Completed, Errored, Expired, and Withdrawn. Before you archive and purge, you can force close incomplete journeys and delete unwanted journeys.

You can use the Archive and Purge Journey Data process and select the relevant cleanup mode. There are two ways in which you can archive and purge assigned journeys:
  • Automatically
  • Manually

Automatic Run

The Process HR Checklist and Tasks process that runs daily initiates the Archive and Purge Journey Data process. The daily run is applicable for journeys assigned from 22A and the process evaluates the eligibility of the journeys for archival and purge based on the duration configured in the Archive After Months and Purge After Months fields during journey template setup. Although the default duration considered for archive and purge is 12 months, you can change it.

You can't pause or cancel the Archive and Purge Journey Data process that's scheduled to run automatically. You can only reconfigure the process to match data retention policies unique to your organization. The reconfiguration can be done using the profile options or the journey template-level fields.

Manual Run

You need to run the Archive and Purge Journey Data process manually. The manual run is applicable for journeys assigned prior to 22A.

To run the process specify the values for the parameters listed in this table.

Parameter Description
Checklist Name Name of the checklist, which needs to be archived or purged.
Number of Months Duration to consider for archive and purge.

If you don’t pass the number of months while running the process, then the default value of 12 months specified in the ORA_PER_JOURNEY_ARCHIVE_DURATION and ORA_PER_JOURNEY_PURGE_DURATION profile options will be considered.

Cleanup Mode
  • Archive
  • Archive and Purge (This mode is considered only in the automatic daily run and not in the manual run)
  • Delete
    • Checklist Name: Name of the checklist.
    • Allocation Start and End Date Range: The duration to consider when deleting assigned journeys.
  • Force complete
    • Checklist Name: Name of the checklist.
    • Allocation Start and End Date Range: The duration to consider when force completing assigned journeys.
    • Force Completion Date: Date on which to force complete the journey.
  • Purge

Although for journey templates created prior to 22A, archive and purge duration won't be mandatory, if you edit the templates, the archive and purge fields become mandatory.

Here are a few points to consider:
  • You need to force complete any incomplete assigned journey before you run the Archive and Purge Journey Data process.
  • It’s recommended to use a force completion date that’s earlier than the purge duration.
  • If the force completion date is the same or earlier than the Allocation Start Date then the force completion date defaults to the Allocation Start Date.
  • During archive or purge, all tasks within the journey are also archived or purged even if the tasks are pending or open.
  • When the Archive and Purge Journey Data process is run automatically or manually, it first considers the duration configured in the Archive After Months and Purge After Months fields on the checklist template setup page. If you don’t specify any duration in these fields, then the process considers the duration configured in the ORA_PER_JOURNEY_ARCHIVE_DURATION and ORA_PER_JOURNEY_PURGE_DURATION profile options.