How Chart of Accounts Mapping Segment Rules Import Data Is Processed

Use the Chart of Accounts Mapping Rules Import file-based data import (FBDI) to create, update, and import chart of accounts mapping segment rules.

You can download a spreadsheet template to use to prepare your chart of account mapping rules data. The template contains an instruction sheet to help guide you through the process of entering your information. Download the template from the File-Based Data Import (FBDI) for Financials guide.

To access the template:

  1. In the Oracle Help Center (, open the File-Based Data Import (FBDI) for Financials guide.
  2. In the General Ledger chapter, click Chart of Accounts Mapping Rules Import.
  3. In the File Links section, click the link to the Excel template.

Follow these guidelines when preparing your data in the worksheet:

  • Enter the required information for each column. Refer to the tool tips on each column header for detailed instructions.
  • Don't change the order of the columns in the template.
  • You can hide or skip the columns you don't use, but don't delete them.

You can always add, update, or delete the chart of account mapping segment rules for a chart of accounts mapping. The Chart of Accounts Mapping Rules import template contains an instructions tab plus a tab that represents the table where the data is loaded:

Spreadsheet Tab Description
Instructions and CSV Generation Contains an overview of the template.
GL_COA_MAP_SEGMENT_RULES_INT Information about the chart of accounts mapping and segment rules definition that you’re adding or updating. Includes the chart of accounts mapping name, source and target chart of accounts for which the mapping is defined, and the segment rules for all the target segments in the target chart of accounts.
GL_COA_MAP_ROLLUP_RULES_INT Information about the segment rollup rule values for the target segments that are mapped to source segments using the Use rollup rules mapping method.

After you prepare the data in the spreadsheet, click Validate to verify that the template doesn't have errors.

Note: The Chart of Accounts Mapping Rules Import currently doesn’t support import of account rules.

To load the data into the interface table:

  1. Click the Generate CSV File button on the Instructions and CSV Generation tab to create these two CSV files in a .zip file format: GlCoaMapSegmentRulesInterface.csv, GlCoaMapSegRollupRulesInterface.csv.
  2. You can save the file to a local folder.
  3. In the Setup and Maintenance area, go to the Manage Chart of Accounts Mappings task:
    • Offering: Financials
    • Functional Area: Financial Reporting Structures
    • Task: Manage Chart of Accounts Mappings
  4. On the Actions menu, select Upload Rules.
  5. In the Upload dialog box, select the file you saved in step 2 and click Submit to launch the Load Interface File for Import process.

    Here's an example of the Upload dialog box.

    An image of the Upload dialog box.
  6. If the process ends in error or warning:
    1. Review the log and output files for details about the rows that caused the failure.
    2. Correct the errors in the spreadsheet.
    3. Repeat steps 1 through 5 until the errors are resolved.
    Note: You can also load the data into the interface table from the Scheduled Processes work area. Submit the Load Interface File for Import process for the Import Chart of Accounts Mapping Segment Rules import process.

To review the unprocessed rows in the interface tables before submitting the import process:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance area, go to the Manage Chart of Accounts Mappings task:
    • Offering: Financials
    • Functional Area: Financial Reporting Structures
    • Task: Manage Chart of Accounts Mappings
  2. On the Manage Chart of Accounts Mappings page Actions menu, select Download Unprocessed Rules. This will download the interface tables data into the FBDI template format file.

To load the data from the interface tables into the application:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance Area, go to the Manage Chart of Accounts Mappings task:
    • Offering: Financials
    • Functional Area: Financial Reporting Structures
    • Task: Manage Chart of Accounts Mappings
  2. On the Actions menu, select Import Rules.
  3. In the Chart of Accounts Mapping field, select the applicable chart of accounts mapping. The list of values displays the names of all chart of accounts mappings in the interface table. If your import file contains data for more than one chart of accounts mappings, then you can select All.

  4. Select the applicable mode:
    • Select Increment when you’re uploading changes to existing chart of accounts mapping rules.
    • Select Replace mode only when you’re completely replacing all of the existing chart of accounts mapping segment rules with all new chart of accounts mapping segment rules. This mode supports integrations that send a complete replacement file.
      Caution: Use Replace mode carefully. If the file you’re loading contains a subset of chart of accounts mapping segment rules, all of the other existing chart of accounts mapping segment rules in the application will be deleted. The Replace mode:
      • Inserts the new chart of accounts mapping segment rules from the file.
      • Updates the existing chart of accounts mapping segment rules with the changes from the file.
      • Deletes all other existing chart of accounts mapping segment rules from the application that aren’t included in the file.

    Here's an example of the Import Rules dialog box.

    An image of the Import Rules dialog box.
  5. Click Submit. A process is launched for each chart of accounts mapping name. For example, if you selected All for the Chart of Accounts mapping parameter and the interface table contains chart of accounts mapping rules for both the Vision Foods to Vision Operations and Vision Foods to Vision UK charts of accounts mappings, two processes will launch.

    The import process follows an all-or-nothing approach while importing the mapping rules for a chart of accounts mapping. If there are any validation errors for one or more mapping rules, then none of the mapping rules for the chart of accounts mapping will be imported. If there are no validation errors, then the process will import all the mapping rules for the chart of accounts mapping.

    Note: The interface records for the selected charts of accounts mapping are automatically deleted at the end of the process.
  6. If the process ends in error or warning:
    1. Review the report output file for the errors. The output file is in a .csv format with all of the columns from the original .csv file plus an extra Error column at the end with the error details.
    2. Correct the records in the original spreadsheet. Reload the file into the interface table to process all of the chart of accounts mapping rules in the file, and then resubmit the process to load the data into the application.