Adding Contractor License Contacts

Contacts for a contractor license can be collected during the application or contractor registration process, manually added to the agency-maintained contractor license information, and loaded from a file using a batch import process.

When applicants identify themselves as authorized agents for a contractor in a permit or planning application, their contact information appears on the Contacts page in the license details. Agencies can also manually add contractor contacts or authorized agents associated with the license directly to the contractor license details. You can add contacts who are already registered in the system and also register new contacts.

You may select contacts from the contractor’s contact list or manually add authorized contacts during contractor registration or when filling out a business license application. Applicant information is automatically copied to the Contact Person section of the contractor license. You must identify whether the applicant is the license holder or authorized agent, and the contact type. The contact type shows the contact's access level to the transaction. Business owners, applicants, primary contacts, and system administrators can change the access level on the Contacts page in the application or transaction details. When the contractor registration or business license is approved by the agency and active, the contacts are added as authorized contacts for the contractor license in the agency-maintained contractor list.

To add multiple license contacts to the license details from a file, use the Load Contractors batch import process. Once the contacts have been loaded, you can update contact information or register new contacts so that they have access to the applications they are associated with. For more information about the batch import process, see Loading Contractor Licenses and Contacts.

When a contact is added, the status is automatically verified and active. Only contacts with a Contractor contact type and an Active status can be selected as the contractor's contact in an intake form.

Only system administrators can delete contacts from the license details.

Manually Adding License Contacts

Here's how to manually add contacts who are already registered in the system to the license details:

  1. Select Contractor > Contractors.

  2. Select the row of the contractor license that you want to modify.

  3. Click the Contacts tab in the left panel to open the Contacts page.

  4. On the Contacts page, click Add to add a contact.

  5. On the Select from Registered Users page, click the row for the contact you would like to add.

  6. Select the contact type from the drop-down list. Choose from Contractor or Authorized Agent and click OK.

  7. Select a contact in grid to update the verification status and contact information on the Contact Details page. You can't update the contact's name.

You can also register a new contact when you manually add a contact to the license details:

  1. On the Contacts page, click Add to add a contact.

  2. On the Select from Registered Users page, click the Register New Contact link.

  3. Fill out the registration form with contact information and select the contact type from the drop-down list. Choose from Contractor or Authorized Agent.

  4. Click Register.

  5. Click Done on the Registration Confirmation page.

Working with License Contacts Loaded from a File

When a contact has been added to the license details from a file using the batch load process, you can manually update the contact information, update the contact information by selecting a registered user, or register the contact.

The batch load process replaces license contacts already in the license details with the contact information from the file if there's a matching email, first name, middle name, and last name. If an exact match of email and name isn't found, the process creates a new license contact.

Here's how to update license contacts that were loaded from a file in the license details:

  1. In the Contacts grid, you'll see the Contact Uploaded from File icon in the row of contacts added using the batch load process: Added from Batch Load icon

  2. Click the row of the contact you want to manually update. On the Contact Details page, you can update the contact information, including the name, verification status, contact type, email address, address, and phone.

  3. If you want to update the contact information by selecting a registered user or register the contact, click the Actions button at the end of the row for the selected contact and click Select or Register User in the actions menu.

  4. On the Select from Registered Users page, you can:

    • Select an existing registered user from the list.

      If the email address of the loaded contact matches a registered user in the system, select the user in the search results to update the contact information.

      Select the contact type from the drop-down list: Contractor or Authorized Agent and click OK.

    • Click the Register New Contact link to register this contact using the loaded contact's information.

      The registration form is automatically filled in with contact information from the loaded file. Select the contact type from the drop-down list: Contractor or Authorized Agent.

      Click Register.

      Click Done on the Registration Confirmation page.