Import External Content to the Oracle Learning Catalog

You can import all the catalog content for a configured external provider, or import a subset. For example, import only the content in a certain language. Use the Import External Content task on the My Client Groups > Learning page.

To complete these steps, you need the Manage External eLearning Content security privilege. To avoid corruption issues, make sure that the Load and Synchronize External Course Data process isn't running or scheduled to run during your import.

Before you start

Configure External Content Providers for Oracle Learning

Here's what to do

  1. On the Import External Content page, click Import.
  2. On the Import External Content page, search for and import the content appropriate content.
    • To add all of a provider's course, regardless of your search criteria, on the Import Entire Catalog button menu, select the provider.
    • To add a subset of content, search for and select it. Then on the toolbar, click Import. You can use standard keyboard shortcuts, such as CTRL+A to select all the search results. You can also use SHIFT or CTRL to select consecutive and nonconsecutive content.
    Caution: If you manually added a branding image to a course managed by the external provider, the import overwrites that image.
    Note: We don't import brand images from BizLibrary because it sends the image URLs encoded in Base64 format, which we don't support.
  3. On the message that appears, click Yes. The import learning content process runs in the background to create the corresponding learning catalog resources and content.
  4. To monitor the courses the process is importing, in the Status field, select Import Requested. All selected courses have this status until the import learning content process completes.
    Tip: You can also check the status and refresh status of imported external content on the Content page using basic and advanced search criteria. To see newly upload content that hasn't finished processing yet, and thus isn't active, in the Status field, select All.