Import Sales Orders

Use the Import Sales Orders scheduled process when you need to import source orders from your source system into Oracle Order Management.

When to Use

There's a lot to know. For details, see:

Privileges Required

  • Import Order (FOM_IMPORT_ORDER_PRIV)


Use these specifications when you run the scheduled process.

Specification Description
Job Type Scheduled or as needed.
Frequency Varies, depending on how often you need to bring source orders from your source system into Oracle Order Management.
Time of Day Any time.
Duration Varies, depending on the parameters that you set when you run the process and the volume of data that you import.

If your import includes a lot of order headers, order lines, and child entities, such as charges, flexfields, or attachments, then the process needs more time to finish.

Compatibility You can run more than one instance of this process at the same time. However, to avoid conflicts, we recommend that you run only one instance at a time.


See the Import Source Data section in Import Orders Into Order Management.