Collection Job Set

Use the Collection Job Set scheduled process to pull the data from the Oracle Fusion source system into staging tables and then load this data from the staging tables into the planning data repository.

On the Collect Planning Data page, use the following tabs to select what data you want to collect:
  • Reference Data
  • Demand Planning Data
  • Supply Planning Data

Data collection involves collecting entities in a predefined sequence. The collected entities form the basis for supply planning calculations. To have accurate data, you must ensure to collect the entities in a proper sequence. You can't collect some entities without collecting their precursor entities.

When to Use

To run plans from one of the Supply Chain Planning work areas, you must collect data into the planning data repository. Order promising and order management processes also use the planning data repository to promise and manage orders.

To collect this data into the planning data repository, you can perform these tasks from one of the Supply Chain Planning work areas:

  • Collect Planning Data: Use this task when you collect data from the Oracle Fusion source system.
Depending on your security privileges, you may need to manually add these tasks. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the following:
  • Offering: Supply Chain Planning
  • Functional Area: Supply Chain Planning Configuration
  • Task: Collect Planning Data

Privileges Required

  • Collect Planning Hierarchies Data (MSC_COLLECT_PLANNING_HIERARCHIES_DATA_PRIV)
  • Collect Planning Reference Data Collect Planning Reference Data (MSC_COLLECT_PLANNING_REFERENCE_DATA_PRIV)
  • Collect Planning Transaction Data (MSC_COLLECT_PLANNING_TRANSACTION_DATA_PRIV)


Review the following before setting up this scheduled process:
  • When you collect planning data, one of the parameters you specify for the Collect Planning Data task is the Collection Type parameter. You can select this task from any of your Supply Chain Planning work areas.
  • The Collection Type parameter, you can select one of the following values:
    • Targeted: Choose the Targeted collection type when you want to collect a significant volume of source system data. Typically, you use the Targeted collection type in scenarios such as bulk upload of transaction data, instance upgrade, and change in collection filters.
      • To perform a complete refresh of the data repository used by the Supply Chain Planning products and run a targeted collection.
      • You can run the targeted collection immediately or you can schedule the process to run later.
    • Net change: Choose the Net change collection type when you want to collect changed data and new records since the last successful collection cycle.
      • You can collect data from the Oracle Fusion source system by running the net change collection or by scheduling to run the process later.
      • Before running a Net Change collection, you must run a Targeted collection for the selected entities. After the first Targeted collection, you can run Net Change collections.
    • Automatic selection: Choose the Automatic collection type when you want the planning process to decide and automatically select an appropriate collection type for each of the entities.
Specification Description
Job Type Ad hoc job


Frequency The normal usage pattern is to run the Targeted Collection for reference and transaction entities periodically (daily to weekly), and, if more frequent updates of fast-changing planning input data such as transaction data (supplies and demands) are desired, additionally run Net Change Collection of transaction data in between Targeted Collection runs (one to a few times per day).

Note that the Global Order Promising does not require a Collection run to keep track of new customer order demands and their impact on available supply. As each customer order is promised, GOP updates its demand picture and consumes available supply in real time, so that the subsequent orders do not try to re-consume the same supply.

Demand Planning Data can only be collected in Target mode.

Time of Day Targeted Collection is generally run overnight.
Duration It all depends on the number of entities selected and their volume in the source system.
Compatibility Only one collection can be run at a time.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Values Special Combinations Required Notes
Submission Notes Optional N/A N/A None N/A
Source System Required Data is collected from the Source System. Single value from LOV. None N/A
Collection Templates Optional N/A N/A None N/A
Select Collection Filters Optional Collection Filters are:
  • Items Filtered by Catalog
  • Conversion Rate Types
  • Customers Filtered by Customer Class
  • Include Parties Without a Customer Account
  • Geographies Filtered by Country
  • Organizations Filter for Transaction Data
  • Organizations Filter for Items and Item Structures
  • Price Lists
N/A None N/A
Collection Type Required See Specifications section. Single value from LOV, which contains:
  • Targeted
  • Net change
  • Automatic selection
None N/A
Enable Organization Group Collection Required N/A LOV: Yes/NO Default: NO None N/A
Organization Group Required if Enable Organization Group Collection ID is set to Yes. N/A N/A None N/A
Reference Data One entity from Reference Data, Demand Planning Data, or Supply Planning Data is required. N/A N/A None N/A
Demand Planning Data One entity from Reference Data, Demand Planning Data, or Supply Planning Data is required. On the Demand Planning Data subtab, set options to collect the historical demand data, price lists, sales organization hierarchies in the supply chain planning data repository from Oracle Fusion Cloud Order Management and Oracle Fusion Cloud Inventory. The planning process uses the historical demand data, and price list data for statistical forecasting planning analytics. N/A None Demand Planning Data is always collected in target mode. Demand Planning Data tab is enabled only when collection mode is set to either to Automatic or Target.
Demand Planning Data > Collection Time Frame Options

Fixed Date Range

  • Collect From Date
  • Collect To Date

Rolling Date Range

  • Number of Days to Collect
  • Roll off time periods automatically
  • Number of Days to Keep
Fixed Date Range or Rolling Date Range The Fixed Date Range option enables you to collect history data within a fixed date range that you specify.

The Rolling Date Range option enables you to collect the history data for the number of days that you specify relative to the current day.

Select the Roll off time periods automatically option to truncate the history data by the number of days that you specify in the Number of days to keep field each time you run collections for the demand history data.

N/A None

For example, if you prefer to forecast each month based on the history data of last 2 years relative to current month, then select the Roll off time periods automatically check box and specify Number of days to keep as 730 days (~ 2 years).

This setting ensures that as you collect data every month, you keep the history of recent 2 years and automatically purge history data from the planning data repository older than 730 days.

History Measures and Attributes
  • Shipments History Measures
  • Bookings History Measures
Selection of either shipments history measure or booking history measure is required. N/A N/A None Shipments and Bookings History data is collected and maintained at the following aggregation levels in planning data repository:
  • Item, Organization, Customer Site, Demand Class, and Day level.
  • Item, Organization, Customer Site, Demand Class, and Day level

Sales Representative is not supported in demand plan, demand and supply plan, and replenishment plan.

Set profile option MSC_DFLT_SHIPMENT_HIST_MEASURE, MSC_DFLT_BOOKING_HIST_MEASURE to the shipments and bookings history variant measure respectively for which the data is collected.

Profile option MSC_DFLT_SHIPMENT_HIST_MEASURE specifies the default shipments history measure to use in demand forecasting.
  • Measure Shipments History is populated with the shipments history variant measure selected for the profile option MSC_DFLT_SHIPMENT_HIST_MEASURE.
Profile option MSC_DFLT_BOOKING_HIST_MEASURE specifies the default bookings history measure to use in demand forecasting.
  • Measure Bookings History is populated with the bookings history variant measure selected for the profile option MSC_DFLT_BOOKING_HIST_MEASURE.
History Data Options
  • Order Types to Include
  • Organization- Consumption Inventory Transactions to Include
  • Subinventory- Consumption Inventory Transactions to Include

Option to collect shipments and bookings history for the specific order types. By default, all order types are included.

Select Organization - Consumption Inventory Transactions to Include to collect consumption inventory transactions at the organization level.

Select Subinventory - Consumption Inventory Transactions to Include to collect consumption inventory transactions at the sub inventory organization level. You can collect the inventory transactions only for the organizations that you enabled for sub inventory planning.

N/A None

Selection of All for option Organization - Consumption Inventory Transactions to Include collects the following inventory transactions from Oracle Inventory.

  • Transfers orders
  • All inventory transaction sources and types of transaction action Issue from Stores except the below listed transaction source/transaction types for items with planning method set to Replenishment Planning.
    • Purchase Order/Return to Supplier
    • Sales Order/Sales Order Issue from Stores
    • Transfer Order Return/Transfer Order Return with Scrap

Selection of All for option Subinventory- Consumption Inventory Transactions to Include collects the following inventory transactions from Oracle Inventory Cloud .

  • Transfers orders
  • All inventory transaction sources and types of transaction actions Issues from Stores, Subinventory Transfer, Direct Organization Transfer, In-transit Shipment, Staging Transfer, and Intraorganization Intransit shipment except the below listed transaction source/transaction types for items with planning method set to Replenishment Planning.
    • Purchase Order/Return to Supplier
    • Transfer Order Return/Transfer Order Return with Scrap
    • Transfer Order Return/Transfer Order Return Transfer
    • Transfer Order Return/Transfer Order Return Shipment
    • Transfer Order Return/Transfer Order Return Pick

Consumption inventory transaction data at both Organization and Subinventory Organization is collected into Shipments History measure.

Consumption inventory transactions collected at subinventory organization are available only in Replenishment Plans. Subinventory organization planning isn't available in demand plans.

Collect amount data for history Optional Collects monetized demand history data into value measures corresponding to the measures selected in option Shipments History Measures and Bookings History Measures. N/A None Populates data for the following value measures:
  • Shipments History Value
  • Shipments History Value: Requested Item by Shipped Date
  • Shipments History Value: Shipped Item by Promised Date
  • Shipments History Value: Shipped Item by Requested Date
  • Shipments History Value: Shipped Item by Shipped Date.
  • Bookings History Value.
  • Bookings History Value: Booked Item by Booked Date.
  • Bookings History Value: Booked Item by Requested Date.
  • Bookings History Value: Requested Item by Booked Dat.
  • Bookings History Value: Booked Item by Scheduled Ship Date

Profile Option MSC_DFLT_SHIPMENT_HIST_MEASURE determines the shipments history value variant collected and populated to the Shipments History Value measure.

Profile Option MSC_DFLT_BOOKING_HIST_MEASURE determines the bookings history value variant collected and populated to the Bookings History Value measure.

Collection for ETO Items > Collect history from associated base models. Optional Collects bookings and shipments history for Engineer to Order (ETO) items from the associated base models. When you don't select this option, the history is collected from the standard ETO items. N/A None N/A
Collect Price Lists Optional Collects the price lists specified in the collections filter for price lists, or all price lists is collected if no filter is specified. N/A None N/A
Include shipment history for options Optional Collects shipments history for the configure to order base model’s option class and option items.

Enabled when Shipments History Measures option is selected.

N/A None Profile Option MSC_DFLT_SHIPMENT_HIST_MEASURE determines the shipments history variant collected and populated to the “Option Shipments History” measure.

For example, when profile option MSC_DFLT_SHIPMENT_HIST_MEASURE set to Shipments History: Requested Item by Shipped Date then Option Shipments History measure is collected and populated from Option Shipments History - Requested Item by Shipped Date.

Include booking history for options Optional Collects bookings history for the configure to order base model’s option class and option items.Enabled when Bookings History Measures option is selected. N/A None Profile Option MSC_DFLT_BOOKING_HIST_MEASURE determines the bookings history variant collected and populated to the “Option Shipments History” measure.

For example, when profile option MSC_DFLT_BOOKING_HIST_MEASURE set to Bookings History: Booked Item by Requested Date then Option Bookings History measure is collected and populated from Option Bookings History: Booked Item by Requested Date.

Enable sales organization hierarchy collection Optional Collects sales organization hierarchies from Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM. N/A None Sales Organization hierarchies is supported only in Sales and Operations Planning work area.
Supply Planning Data One entity from Reference Data, Demand Planning Data, or Supply Planning Data is required. N/A N/A None N/A
Run Required N/A Radio Button:
  • As soon as possible (Selected as default)
  • Using a schedule
None N/A
Frequency Required This is applicable only when Using a schedule option is selected. LOV:
  • Once
  • Hourly/Minute
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Yearly
  • Custom
None By selecting Custom option you can specify multiple Date and Time records as per your requirements.
Time Zone Required This is applicable only when Using a schedule option is selected. N/A None N/A
Start Date Required This is applicable only when Using a schedule option is selected. N/A None N/A

Troubleshooting Information

Troubleshooting Information

Issue Probable Resolution
The Create Trees for Dimensions scheduled process skips certain product catalogs and ends in warning. Ensure the catalogs conform to the requirements explained in the Using Demand Mangement guide in the Hierarchy Selections for the Product Dimension section.

Supplies sites are not getting collected.

Collect Planning Data ends in warning.

  • Unable to derive Operation Sequence ID.
  • Unable to derive Department ID.
  • Unable to derive Resource ID.

Warning When Trying to Collect Planning Data for Suppliers.

The collection of entities are interlinked, and reference entities should be collected successfully for the referencing entities. The supplier/customer/organization sites are dependent on internal location. The setup of internal or external locations in Trading Community Architecture should be proper, like address style, Tax setup. Geography name reference should be generated for them by submitting the Validate Geographies of Addresses Against Master Geographies scheduled process.
Items are not displayed in Items UI. Ensure that Master Organization is included in the Collection.
Collect Planning Data ends in Error Load Master job

Not Able to Collect Calendars.

In the Oracle Fusion source system, we can have schedules with a pattern of any number of days. But we collect only those schedules (as calendars), which have a pattern string of 7 days. Since an organization was associated with a schedule of pattern string of 5 days, the calendar was not collected and hence the organization was not collected.

The collections process won't collect all calendars defined in the source side. Calendar should be either

  • Assigned to ORG (such as ORG manufacturing calendar), or
  • Having assignment as shipping/receiving calendar to supplier/customer/carrier
Oracle Fusion Source Collection for Dropship Purchase Orders Fails at Load Entity. Dropship validation organization is required for collecting dropship sales order/purchase orders.
Collection fails while collecting Look up codes such as Payment Terms, UOM code, etc. Instead of renaming unique codes, create new codes.

Collect Planning Data for supplier triggers warning.

Ensure that Geography name references are generated for locations or locations are not expired.
While EBS Collections runs the Load to SCP fails without loading any data. Ensure that the source system code in SCP Cloud matches with the corresponding Instance Code in EBS for which the extract was run.
Collection Load Master blocked. Check for other running load jobs in progress. Once the running load jobs complete the blocked load job will resume.
No data is collected with Net Change Collection. Run target collection to check if the expected data is collected.
How to troubleshoot other issues in Collection runs? In Scheduled Processes work area search for the parent Collection Job Set. In all the child jobs look for warning/error status and corresponding messages in the log file to identify data issues and errors.