Manage Access to Waitlist Information

Use data profiles to control user access to waitlist information.

Control which users have security permissions to add students to waitlists, remove students from waitlists, enroll students from waitlists, update student positions on waitlists, and view student waitlist positions. For example, you might allow a user to view the students' positions on a waitlist but not allow the user to reorder students’ positions.

In the Manage Application Access task, create a data profile and assign the profile to a role or user. Then control the access to waitlist information by granting users access to these permissions:

  • View Waitlist Position: The user can view a student's waitlist position. For example, an instructor can see the waitlist position of waitlisted students when viewing the course roster. A student advisor can see the student's waitlist position when looking at the course section for which the student is waitlisted.
  • Add Students to Waitlist: The user can add a student to a waitlist. All application administrators and registrars should have this ability. The institution might optionally add it for instructors and student advisors.
  • Remove Students from Waitlist: The user can remove a student from a waitlist. All application administrators and registrars should have this ability. The institution might optionally add it for instructors and student advisors.
  • Enroll Students from Waitlist: The user can enroll a student in a course from the course waitlist. All registrars should have this ability. The institution might optionally add it for instructors and student advisors.
  • Update Waitlist Position: The user can change a student's waitlist position number. All registrars should have this ability. The institution might optionally add it for instructors.