Associate Proposals to Portfolios

You can associate one or more portfolios to a proposal.

Use the portfolios field on the General Information tab of product proposals to categorize and analyze proposals by portfolio. This feature is supported through:
  • User interface
  • productProposals REST API and
  • File-Based Data Import (FBDI)

If you've opted in for the Associate Proposals to Portfolios feature, you can search for proposals that are associated to a portfolio or to multiple portfolios. In Advanced Search, use the Add Fields button to add the Portfolio attribute to your search. You can search for proposals that include multiple portfolios using comma-separated values in the Portfolios attribute.

You can also view the associated portfolios in the Business Intelligence Publisher reports for proposals.

To view reports, click the Actions menu and select Export. In the dialog box, select Template, Output Format, Locale, and click Done.

You can configure the portfolio list using the Manage Portfolios task through the panel drawer in the Innovation Management work area. From the Manage Portfolio Lookups page, select a Lookup Type, and then add portfolios.

Points to Consider

  • You can’t retrieve a portfolio after you delete it from lookups in the Manage Lookups page. It's also delinked from all associated proposals.
  • By default, all portfolios are enabled during creation. If you select Disable or End Date in a portfolio, it remains in the existing proposal. You can’t add it to a new proposal, nor will it appear in the search results.
  • If Portfolio Name and Portfolio Code are passed at the same time in the REST API, Portfolio Name will take precedence.
  • To link a portfolio to a proposal using Oracle Visual Builder Excel Add-in, ensure that you enter both, Portfolio Name and Portfolio Code in the Excel sheet.