Overview of Nudges

A nudge is a reminder sent to a worker to take a specific action on a certain event.

Managers and employees receive nudges for any overdue or pending tasks pertaining to events such as upcoming check-ins, assigned goals, pending feedback, or celebrating accomplishments, so that they can take appropriate actions on them.

They receive these reminders through one or more of these channels:

  • As nudge cards that appear on the employee’s Touchpoints page
  • As recommended insights topics that appear when they create or edit a check-in
  • As email notifications

Currently, nudges are available for these product areas:

  • Core HR
  • Feedback
  • Check-ins
  • Goals
  • Touchpoints Surveys
Note: Nudges pertaining to Feedback, Check-ins, and Goals can be configured only for the Touchpoints product.

Key points to consider when configuring a nudge:

  • Identify the reason for nudging a worker. For example, you can send a reminder to employees about an upcoming check-in discussion, or send a reminder to a manager to provide feedback for their employees.
  • Specify the evaluation criteria for each of these nudges. For example, a reminder for a check-in can be sent to employees ‘n’ number of days prior to the scheduled check-in, where ‘n’ is a configurable parameter.
  • Specify the message template for each of these nudges. You can use existing templates or define new templates.