Archive and Purge Document Records

You can archive and purge document records that are no longer required for regular access.

The archiving process involves moving the document records from the HR_DOCUMENTS_OF_RECORD table to the HR_DOCUMENTS_OF_RECORD_ARCHIVE table. After the document records are archived, they will be removed from the HR_DOCUMENTS_OF_RECORD_ARCHIVE table based on the purge settings enabled for the document type.

Here's how the archive process works:
  • For each document record, the process gets the Archive After Days and Archive Criteria Basis based on the document type.
  • For each document record, add the Archive After Days to the appropriate document record attribute selected for the Archive Criteria Basis (Creation Date, From Date, To Date, or Issue On). If the resultant value is greater than the system date, then the document record will be archived.
  • Copy all the archived document records data to the HR_DOCUMENTS_OF_RECORD_ARCHIVE table.
  • The archived document records in the HR_DOCUMENTS_OF_RECORD_ARCHIVE table is marked with the archive date.
  • Delete all the copied document records data from the HR_DOCUMENTS_OF_RECORD table.
Here's how the purge process works:
  • For each archived document record, the process gets the Purge After Days based on the document type.
  • For each archived document record, add the Purge After Days to the archive date. If the resultant value is greater than the system date, then the document record will be purged.
  • Remove all the purged document records along with their attachments from the HR_DOCUMENTS_OF_RECORD_ARCHIVE table and the attachment repository.

You can control access to archived document records data in OTBI reports by using the HR_DOR_ARCH_REPORTING_LIST_V view. This view is implemented in the Workforce Management - Documents of Record Archive Real Time subject area.