Action Framework

The action framework consists of the action type, action, action reason, and assignment status components.

The action type identifies the business process associated with the action and can have one or more predefined actions.

The action tracks changes to the employment and assignment record. You can associate the actions you create with the predefined action types.

Each action has an action reason and you can optionally associate the action reason with the action for analysis and reporting purposes. You can associate the same action reason with multiple actions or with a specific action according to your business need.

Each assignment contains an assignment status. When you create or edit an assignment, you select an action that categorizes the change and determines what are the next steps. Some actions make an automatic change to the assignment status. Otherwise, you must set the assignment status directly.

This figure illustrates an action framework example using the Change Employment and Change Location action types.

A figure that illustrates how the various action framework components work together.

The Assignment Change and Change Circle actions are associated with the Change Employment action type. The Assignment Change action updates the assignment record and the reason for the change is indicated by the Change Employment Information action reason. Similarly, the Change Circle action updates the assignment record and the reason for the change is indicated by the Reassign to New Location action reason.

The Location Change action is associated with the Change Location action type. The Location Change action updates the assignment record and the reason for the change is indicated by the Reassign to New Location action reason. When you select the Location Change action to update the assignment, the assignment status is automatically set to Active - Payroll Eligible.