Project Cost Distribution Using Award Funding Patterns

Funding patterns provide a rules-based instrument to derive the award and funding source for a cost.

Projects sponsored by public and private entities have contractual requirements defining how the funds are to be spent. Some are more specific than others. When a project is sponsored by multiple funding sources, ensuring the requirements are met can be complicated during cost capture.

Distribution sets in funding patterns provide the ability to set an order of precedence for a set of rules. Distribution rules define cost distribution percentages for award and funding sources. Consuming applications such as accounts payable and procurement, as well as third-party integrations, apply the funding patterns to receive distributed costs based on the project, task, and expenditure item date of the cost.

The action Distribute Project Costs is available across the procure-to-pay lifecycle (requisitions, purchase orders, accounts Payable invoices) when you have active funding patterns. On accounts payable invoices, the action is automatic when distributing the invoice line. When you create requisitions or purchase orders, that you can use the action to distribute costs manually. Or, if you submit your requisition or PO, funding patterns are applied if the contract/award and funding source aren't provided.

Active funding patterns are applied to sponsored costs in the Manage Unprocessed Costs screen. You can use the Test Award Distribution button to see the potential cost distribution and if there are any errors. Correct your funding patterns and you can retest and import costs when you're confident they will be successfully distributed.