Post Physical Inventory Adjustments

Use the Post Physical Inventory Adjustments scheduled process to automatically post the final item quantity adjustment for the physical inventory.

After you finish entering all your tag counts and approving those adjustments that need approval, use the process to automatically post your physical inventory adjustments.

If the count of an item matches the snapshot available quantity, no adjustment transaction is posted. After inventory adjustments are posted, you can't make any changes to that physical inventory. You can't generate new tags or update tag counts. Due to the irreversible nature of this program, Oracle Fusion Cloud Inventory Management posts no physical inventory adjustments if you have any adjustments that are still pending approval. You must approve or reject all your adjustments before you can process them.

To ensure data accuracy in posting your final physical inventory adjustments, it’s best practice to stop all transactions during a physical inventory.

When to Use

Use the Post Physical Inventory Adjustments scheduled process when all counts for the physical inventory have been recorded, approved, or rejected and there is no further activity required for the physical inventory.

Privileges Required

  • Manage Physical Inventory (INV_MANAGE_PHYSICAL_INVENTORY)


Review the following before setting up this scheduled process:
Specification Description
Job Type Ad hoc job.

This process is typically run ad hoc based on when the operation determines all counts and recounts have been recorded.

Frequency Once, when all counts have been recorded and approved or rejected.
Time of Day Any time depending on company requirements. Companies are typically anxious to see the outcome of the adjustments and the financial impact.
Duration Runtime of this process varies based on the number of items in the physical inventory and the number of adjustments.
Compatibility There should be only one instance of the job running at any time, and there’s no current functional need to run multiple instances of this process simultaneously.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Values Special Combinations Required Notes
Organization Required The organization in which the physical inventory was executed. Inventory organization None N/A
Physical Inventory Required The name of the physical inventory. Physical inventory name None N/A
Adjustment Date Required The date the physical inventory adjustment is made. Date None N/A

Troubleshooting Information

  • When you submit the Post Physical Inventory Adjustments process, the process picks up the adjustments to post in batches of 100 adjustments at a time. For each set of 100 adjustments, the process calls the Inventory Transaction Manager. Once the first set of 100 adjustments results in a success from the Inventory Transaction Manager, the next set of 100 records are picked up. This continues until all adjustments are processed.
  • If the Inventory Transaction Manager fails to process any adjustments for a specific set of 100 records, then the scheduled process stops and ends in error. Most often, this error is due to not following the best practice to restrict transactions during a physical inventory.
  • Monitor the results of your Post Physical Inventory Adjustments scheduled processes. If the process ends in an error, submit the process again until the process ends in success and the Adjustments Posted check box on the Manage Physical Inventories page shows selected.
  • You also want to review the pending transactions for any stuck transactions after the Post Physical Inventory Adjustments process is run. If the Post Physical Inventory Adjustments process fails, it will show one or more records on the Pending Transactions page. The transactions will display with an error status and show specific error details. You must review and correct these records and resubmit them for processing.
  • When the Post Physical Inventory Adjustments process fails, the scheduled process log file instructs you to review the Pending Transactions page.
  • There should be no reservations or open picks before you take the physical inventory snapshot.
  • If there are existing reservations on items during a physical inventory snapshot, and those items require adjustments resulting from the physical inventory count, the Post Physical Inventory Adjustment process will result in error. The transactions will display with an error status and show specific error details. You must review and correct these records and resubmit them for processing.
  • When the process is submitted, you can Resubmit, Put on Hold, Cancel Process, and Release Process as provided by the Scheduled Processes work area.